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Your Water Has Broken

For Your Waters Have Broken

There is such a difference now.

Such a point of difference.

A shift in the atmosphere.

From being on the outer, to being out amongst it.

On the other side of breakthrough.

Being through the break.

Being on the other side of broken.

Breaking out in order to enter in.

From the moment of the entry.

You could feel the difference.

You could sense a new sensation.

You could feel it in the atmosphere.

Like the light penetrating the darkness for the first time.

At yet there was so much more to come.

So much more that you could expect.


In the place that is beyond.

In the place that is over the edge, beyond the horizon.

You can see it now - “the dawn of a new era”, the sun shining after the most intense storm. The light peeking through the darkest clouds.

“How can this be” you ask yourself, yet you already know the answer.

In the plucking out, in the moment of release, in the place where the waters have broken.

Yes you could see it in a way that was beyond your ability to express.

Puddles of water forming between their legs, with the words “Your waters have broken”.

You wanted to say “your water has broken” but felt there was more to it.

More that I wanted to say.

Is this not the place of more?

Is this not the place of multiplication?

Is this not the place of new birth?

Is this not the place of the birthing?

Is this not my nursery?

Is this not the wide open space?

The space where I have made room for more?

For I declare unto you this is the birthing place, the place of new birth.

It was not lost on you that the one who was barren was declaring the arrival of the one who would bring the new, that would bring life to the dead place, fullness to the desolate place, the empty place, the barren place.

This is the first time in a long time that I felt someone else speaking your words to me. It was such a moment.

Yes a moment of great momentum, a momentous moment of great momentum.

You could feel it, like it was me speaking over you.

For you have my endorsement.

For it shall be unto you as I have said.

A refreshing stream shall flow into and through you and your beloved, shall wash over this land like a flood.

In the place of the promise I will do what I have promised.

I know what you are thinking…

That it was like living a dream, like stepping into all that you have promised, without agenda, yet with atmosphere, like I had entered into the birthing room and announced the arrival of the midwife.

“It is like a whole new beginning”, “the start of something new”, for you shall bring life to that which was dead.

And say unto them “your breakthrough has arrived”…

Say unto them “your waters have broken”…

Say unto them “you are birthing something new”

Say unto them “that which you hoped for has arrived”

Say unto them “this land flows with milk and honey”

Say unto them “this land shall flow, shall generate movement, shall inspire movement, shall bring forth movement”

For I have brought you here, I have moved you here, in order to bring forth movement.

A whole new movement, a radical shift, a wonderful time of great wonder.

Like the light shining into the darkness.

Like the dawn of a new era.

For they will say of this moment “Its over, the waiting time is over, the weighting time is over, the clearing has come, that which I had hoped for has come.”

They will declare “the wait is over, the shift has come, the obstacle to progress has been removed, the missing piece is here”

For you and your beloved are a “unit”, the complete “package”, a battalion of power, an unstoppable force, the key that unlocks the closed door.

For in a moment that which stopped your progress was removed.

For I have cleared the path for you.

I have prepared the way for you.

For you shall walk upon the well worn path that I have prepared for you.

Can you not see it now?

Can you not feel it now?

It is like coming home to a place that we have never been to before.

For these are your kind of people.

Can you not hear it?

The fluttering of wings.

Can you not see it?

The mighty eagle coming to a flock of eagles and being celebrated in his arrival.

For those that wait upon me, shall rise up like eagles, on eagles wings.

For you have come to the place of multiplication.

For one shall send 1000 to flight and the second brings a multiple of 10.

Expect a multiple of ten.

For I am adding my one to your nothing.

For I have brought you into my banqueting house and my banner over you is love.

Could you not feel the warmth of my affection?

It was like fire igniting the driest forest, a explosion of your fire, an outpouring of great joy and delight, a fountain of your goodness flowing, and overflowing.

For you are what they have been waiting for, contending for, and they are the ones you will lead into the land of the promise.

“It will be more than you expect”

Yes Lord so much more than I expect.

“Its like you think you have reached a certain level, but this is only the beginning, God is just getting started with you, its like this is just the start of all that is coming next”

Through you and your beloved I will set the captives free, I will destroy the works of the enemy in this land, I will bring an overflow of joy and abundance.

For what I have for you is beyond your wildest imaginations.

For your hope is here, that which you hoped for is here.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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