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What is so great about the old?

You have such a firm grip on it, your hand bleeds from the pain.

I’m prying you loose.

Release your grip, free your hand, be open not closed, feel the air upon your palm.

This is what freedom feels like!

I know what freedom feels like.

Don’t get a grip!

Seriously don’t get a grip!

For I what you to experience release!

Hold on to release.

Just be free!

If you want something to hold on to, hold on to the new, for behold I am making all things new.

Why so fearful of the new?

Do you not dream of going on an adventure, visiting the new, going to places with the one you love that are not known, unknown, not seen, not yet experienced?

Get comfortable with the new, for we are going on a great adventure.

First the lifting out of the slippery place.

Then the standing on the rock.

Then the establishment of the goings.

Then the going out.

For I want you to go out, I want you to know and understand what you are standing on. This is what solid feels like.

You move so tentatively expecting the ground to slip, expecting the high obstacles, the broken path, the tortuous path. You screw your face up, expecting the worst, for you have experienced the worst.

Yet what is now your experience?

The too easy path, the open door, the unexpected favour, the seat of honour, the place of authority.

It’s like you are falling over yourself, like walking on a powered walkway only to jump off and find yourself still running.

Here you find yourself in a mess, in chaos, yet why so surprised? Is this not evidence of birth? Does not the baby arrive in a bloody mess? Yet is it not soon cleaned up. It is not long before there is an abundance of joy?

Did I not say to be a bundle of joy? For I have delivered a bundle of joy, for you shall be a bundle of joy.

For is this not a place of joy?

At first uncomfortable, at first overwhelming, but soon, peace and joy and prosperity.

You think and ponder like the old, expecting the old, waiting with baited breath in hope that you will experience breakthrough.

And yet this is what breakthrough feels like. You see the evidence of brokenness all around. Is this not deliberate, is this not by design? For try as you might you cannot make the new like the old.

For the old does not fit the new. Nothing fits!

Is this not by design!

You try to make yourself comfortable by visiting the familiar, and yet the path is unfamiliar. Even the way you take is not familiar.

Adjust your perspective, for I am making some adjustments.

What do you see?

A landscape of the new, with boxes from the old.

I want you to discover new patterns.

Yes discover is the word. See this as a adventure full of new discoveries.

How uncomfortable is it to go to meetings, to have phone calls about challenging things and then come out with wonder!

Your face looks confused, and bewildered, as you were not expecting this?

But was it not wonderful?

Be not confused, be full of wonder, for it shall be wonderful.

For now it springs forth, yes now it springs forth, it bursts forth, it breaks free, it brings restoration, it brings abundance, it brings life.

Abandon all notions of lack, abandon all lack, for this is the era of abundance, there is no turning back. For I have broken the container, the containment.

Your period of confinement is over, the baby has been born, can it return to its mothers womb?

For to whom much is given, much shall be required. For to whom that is faithful with the little shall be given much.

For much is coming, so much more is coming, more than you can contain, for I cannot contain myself, I burst forth upon the right and the left.

The big wet has come, the ground saturated at your feet, awash, it shall be awash with my goodness.

Dryness is obsolete, a thing of the past, soon to be long forgotten. For this is new for old replacement.

Everything that is old, everything that doesn’t fit, shall be replaced.

For I have cleared the path, I have prepared the way, I have opened the gates for the king of glory to enter in.

Expect wonder, expect glory, expect miracle after miracle, expect a great testimony from every test. Expect an easy path, expect to float in my flow.

For the former, swimming against the current, shall now be floating in my flow, for I have turned the tide.

For this is not about going against the flow, this is now about riding my wave. For that which was against you is now for you.

Get used to the new, embrace the new, be excited about the new, for it shall be full of wonder, it shall be wonderful.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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