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The movement of heaven and earth.

Do you feel the shift?

The movement in heaven, brings forth movement on the earth, in your experience.

I’m shifting your experience.

For it shall not be like the old.

This is not like the olden days.

This shall be profoundly new.

I’m crafting an all new experience.

You feel it now don’t you!

I’m shaking it up in heaven, so don’t be surprised when your arm shakes on earth.

My movement, impacts your movement. When I move, you move, that’s how I like it. Perfect symphony, perfect harmony, the new replacing the old.

You wonder how you will cope.

Yet I just pause and wonder. Come into agreement with me.

As you sign this agreement, just come into agreement with me, for I want your joy to be full.

You wrestle with how to embrace the new, yet just embrace the thing that you cannot grasp.

Just overflow with joy, just as when you embraced your new bride. Was this not the best example of it. The crowd gasped as you kissed, such was the impact. Did your cheeks not hurt at the end of that day, because you were smiling too much.

I am restoring your joy……

You wonder how you will handle it. Yet on that day, the only thing you felt was a bursting forth of excitement. Many commented on it, some expressed that you just wanted to be intimate with her, yet you were just overcome with joy.

Be not overcome, but be overcome with joy, for my joy invades your experience.

Just like when you first saw her, you could not take your eyes off her. You felt the connection, your spirit agreed with my spirit and in a moment everything changed.

Just come into alignment, agree once again with my spirit, for the old has passed away and the new has come. The winter has past and the blossom is here.

You strive to comprehend in order to apprehend, and yet you find yourself apprehended, captured by yourself, bound by yourself, tied up in knots.

Yet just feel the wonder.

That’s it. You feel it now.

What do you think I imprinted this picture of her on your mind, engraved upon your very soul.

Behold, yes behold, this is my picture designed just for you. I call it “wonder”.

This is what wonderful looks like!

I want you to know what wonderful looks like, for I have given you this gift of wonder, this real, tangible, in bodily form, incarnate wonder, that is what I call her.

For she is my best representation of wonder for you.

This was my burning bush moment for you, this was the moment that changed your life forever.

For I have wed you to wonder, so that you may be full of wonder.

Don’t pause and wonder, embrace wonder, experience wonder, walk with wonder, triumph with wonder, impact the darkness with wonder, restore wonder, bring forth wonder.

Be full of wonder.

You feel it now, don’t you, for your very body feels the impact of her touch. The pain has gone, the wonder has come.

For this is my special ingredient, designed just for you, impacts you the most, the defining ingredient of the utmost joy, beautiful, wonderful, possessing wonder.

Multiplied in your hand, in your embrace, the gift of wonder, the wonderful, wonder full gift.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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