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Without Question

It is time to rock and roll.

It is time to roll with it.

It is time rock with it.

Soon you will be rolling in it.

But first it is necessary to roll with it.

I'm pushing down the road.

I am stirring a fresh momentum.

For when you first start moving something, it requires a lot of effort.

For it has no inertia of it's own.

And there you sit wondering why you feel so drained.

For you have poured out so much.

But you can see the purpose for which you were made.

For there you had all the ingredients at your fingertips, but I made you the master chef.

And you ask yourself "why is it that I instinctively know the answer, or could find the answer".

So many questions, so many answers.

So many questions, so many answers.

So many questions, so many answers.

let me say that again...

So many questions, so many answers.

So many questions, so many answers.

So many questions, so many answers.

Verily, verily I say unto you.

What is your point, Lord?

For so many years, so many questions, so many answers.

Over and over, more and more, over and over, more and more.

So many questions, so many answers.

For how is it you know what you know?

So many questions, so many answers.

So many questions, so many answers.

"For it is the question that drives you...."

"For we are all looking for something Neo"

And yet you have found me...

So many questions, so many answers.

For you have both the question and the answer.

You know the question, because you live with the answer.

You know the answer, because you live with the question.

For what defines this new era?

The knowledge of the question and the evaluation of the answer.

So simple really, yet so profound.

For are you not the living example of what is to come?

A beacon, a light expressing all that is to come for them, but what is already here for you right now.

The fullness of expression.

The expression of fullness.

For what is the equation of fullness, how do you define fullness, how do you describe fullness.

The reaching of your full potential.

And by what means do you reach this?

By exploring the vastness of the land that lies before, by being willing to go beyond your comfort level. To be reckless in the knowledge that the one who loves you, holds you by the hand and will not allow you to fall.

For you have gone this way before.

For now you understand, what I meant when I said you would be the first to tread this well worn path.

For you and I have been up and down the path, the uncharted path, the unknown path, the path that no-one has tread before.

For you know what it is like to step into the unknown.

Yes Lord but now I see so many lost opportunities. My emotions are mixed, for I speak of the future like it is my present, and yet I mourn for those so far behind on the road, and so many that have not yet taken a step. All very nice "content", but all so irrelevant in the near future, so much lost potential. And even those that think they are close behind are actually so far away. Thank you for the insight, thank you for the foresight, thank you for the hindsight, yet show me how to move them forward, and get paid for the guidance. Give me the words, the parables as you did, for those who have no idea of how to access the full power of what lies before them. So many possibilities, yet so little practical application, from all except the one I love!

Tell them of your experience, tell them the story of your experience, write about your experience, take them on the story of your experience, what was it like for you, how did you come to the place, how did you choose to rest your foot upon the edge, to then take the leap off it?

For I had not planned to speak this way, yet I found your words upon my lips, as I spoke of my journey, and how my beloved is always encouraging me to go beyond, so far over the edge, for she is indeed the breaker that opens up the way, and then in a moment I find myself in a whole new realm, looking far behind, only to see her smile encouraging me to run ahead.

I see you pondering whether it is safe to proceed, "SUCH A LAUGH!"

For when you pause to ponder, what is it you see?

I am so far away from the safety of the boat, that my only choice is to take another step upon the water.

I hear the words of your enemy saying "don't get too far ahead of yourself", and yet I loved so much how you told them of your plans to write a book, and the stories of all the various ways you have used it, and how your mind is regularly blown by what you find upon the other side of the edge.

On the other side of the edge.

On the other side of the edge.

Over the edge.

Beyond the edge.

Is this not the new frontier?

Is this not all that I have told you about?

Is this not all that you have experienced?

Has your whole life not been about going over the edge?

Yes Lord for my beloved always takes me over the edge! My whole life changed when I laid eyes on her, and continues to be way beyond all that is normal.

Yet you need no longer apologise for your experience, in fact your experience is what everyone must experience in this new era in order to survive or thrive in all that is to come.

It is the revelation of your experience, it is in the revelation of your experience, that they shall learn to experience what you have experienced for decades.

For in your wilderness season, I have equipped you for this season of abundance.

Just as Joseph was equipped in the pit, in the house, in the prison, with the experience to then rule the whole nation.

Without question!

Say unto yourself "Without Question"

For you question everything, and yet you are the answer, so do not question your calling, your position, your power. For I have chosen you for this moment, this era, this purpose.

For you will not need to fight, only "take up your position!"



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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