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Without Measure

Without Measure

For I am beyond your capacity to measure.

How long?

How far?

Looking for the boundary line….

What is it you find?

The place of overflow. Overwhelmed but still holding on to the edge.

Plank by plank.

Precept by precept.

For I have provided you the framework.

Step by step.

The water rising.

Plank by plank.

Stepping up to another level.

Rising to another level.

This is my capacity building program!

Plank by plank.

Elevation by elevation.

My step up program.

Filling the gaps.

For I will give you the materials.

The materials to fill the gap.

For the water rises above you.

I’m not waiting for you.

For the great outpouring has commenced.

The place of the falling predetermined.

For upon this place I will pour out my spirit.

Like never before.

For this is the time of your rising.

Step by step.

Level by level.

Higher and higher.

Here, let me pass you what you need.

For I need nothing to stand upon.

For I have oversight.

On the one side, a huge wall.

On the other side a vast reservoir.

More and more, over and over, for it grows larger and larger, vast and without measure.

Higher and higher, let’s go higher and higher.

For the downward spiral only serves an upward pinnacle.

Flowing down from above, desired to rise higher and higher.

Soft peaks.

Pinnacles expressing my desire.

My love on a plate.

For my purpose is to elevate.

Any boundary serves to build capacity.

For the time is coming where I will cement the boundary.

Flowing down from above.

The top layer serving and supporting all the underlying layers.

For it shall hold water.

For it shall be solid.

For it shall not leak.

Any gaps will just provide a place for my overflow.

Take another view.

Take another step.

For I have given you the steps of overflow.

Step by step.

An overflowing step.

For I have poured out.

From above to beneath.

Not diminished by the height and the depth and the extent.

For I have given the flow power to move.

Watch this, look out for this.

From the top.

Flowing from the top.

Over the edge.

Streams falling from the edge.

Steps once climbed upon now fit for another purpose.

Steps flowing with equal intensity.

Flowing from above.

Flowing beneath.

From above to beneath.

Without strength, yet with great strength.

Growth at each step.

Growth in the midst, growth in the mist.

Many equal steps.

The flow is not diminished from one step to the next.

Then a huge waterfall at the base of the steps.

Many steps leading to a big step.

A big step leading to many smaller steps.

At each step growth.

A departure from the norm.

A departure from the established norm.

Beyond belief.

Beyond all that you can believe.

Beyond the ordinary.

The birth of the extraordinary.

Designed for departure.

Designed to take flight.

Designed for flight.

Designed for the coming and the going.

Without a path.

Without a flight path.

Once you see it you shall be drawn to it.

For it shall become the place of multiplication.

For what you bring to it, shall depart from it.

Passed from one to another.

Dispersed far and above. Above and beyond all you can see or imagine.

For one is contained by the boundary.

The other flies free of it.

For you can measure that which is beneath you. That which is above you is without measure.

For you shall be over and above it.

Far above and beyond.

Come up higher.

For your victory is above you.

For victory rests above you.

It is time to come out of your shell.

It is time to break free and get up and dance.

For the time of your rising is here.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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