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Without Hesitation

Without hesitation.

Be without hesitation.

Do not consider a pause.

Keep moving forward.

Do not consider an alternate path.

Be confident.

Express your confidence.

Be not dismayed at the sight of their faces.

For who is in charge here?

Who has the authority to decide the outcome?

Who determines the course of your steps?

Who provides the basis of your argument?

Who provided the ground upon which you walk?

Compelled by purpose.

Compelled on purpose.

Compelled for a purpose.

If I have purposed it, it will stand.

For I am taking you back to the beginning.

You still remember the sermon from over 20 years ago don’t you?

Yes Lord.

For when you are considering options, for when you are making choices, by what means do you decide?

Abraham chose the wide open space, for he considered that when his steps were aligned with yours, when he walked in your purpose, his destination was assured, the outcome was assured. He walked on purpose for a purpose, in alignment with your purposes for him and his family.

Be resolute and receive the gift of a resolution.

For the victor does not consult his victim as to how he should rule.

For when your back is against the wall, you are simply facing the wrong way, for you can scale any wall, or simply walk through it.

There is no boundary of sufficient strength to contain you, no shackles that are able to bind you.

For you know not what you are truly capable of.

Have I not confounded the plans of your enemy?

You have blown my mind Lord, and any sense of the boundary that once contained me. I have never felt this free.

You can call off the search party.

You can seriously call off the search party.

Abandon the search.

For here you have found yourself.

Yet I do not recognise who I am! How is it possible that I can now operate without limitation? Everything I look at now comes from a place without limitation. I find myself looking for a Pliates instructor that can follow a process suited for an old version of me. It is so weird to consider the form of rehab and what I once found so difficult to in that same moment doing that exercise find it so completely easy and pain free. It is like I reside in a completely different body.
It now makes so much more sense your earlier vision of me lying next to by dead body.
It is like I am relearning how to approach all that I do and how I function. It is like I need to be introduced to myself.
Each day I am discovering something new about myself, each day I feel stronger, more free, another step closer to something new.

A new paradigm.

A new wine skin.

A new location.

A new position.

A new posture.

A new strength.

A new freedom.

A new authority.

A new confidence.

The old warrior now in a young man’s body.

New found…

For you have found that which is new.

New Hope.

New joy.

New freedom.

New territory.

New outcomes.

For the strong one, the confident one, the dominant one, does not consider any other plan except that which I have given him.

The mighty warrior advances in complete knowledge and expectation of victory.

For David ran out to his opponent and described in detail what victory would look like.

He considered that Goliath would be delivered into his hand and that victory would break out from the confines of contention.

The purpose of any test in this season is simply to demonstrate your new capabilities.

For how else will you know what you are capable of?

You favourite Superhero is the one who once was puny, but then became so strong as to overcome anyone who came against him.

Can you not feel the strength I have given you?

I was going to say I am in disbelief, and yet within my own body you have placed a growing strength that cannot be explained, makes absolutely no sense to me, and yet compels me to take ground, to come out from hiding, to establish a whole new life. The more I move, the more I consider I am part of a whole new movement. I have skipped a step from disbelief, over any notion of believing straight to just knowing. I now live in the place of knowing.

For you cannot discount that which I have given you, for you know that I have called you to the place of more and more, more and more, more multiplied, multiples of more. To the place of over and over, where you shall be over it all.

So why so surprised that your first step is to exercise your authority, your dominion, to take up your position.

So just take the hand of your beloved and come up higher, for you shall rise to the occasion, you shall take a seat in the high place, in the place above it all.

For your enemy quakes in anticipation of what is to come next.

So be without hesitation, for it shall be as you declare.

For your condition shall come into alignment with your position.

For your point shall align with your appointment.

Your strength shall overwhelm your opponent.

For it shall be glorious.

You shall step from one glory to another along the path of that which is glorious.

For when you walk with the way can anything get in your way?



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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