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Without Consolation

For once you were inconsolable, your tears dripping down your cheeks, overflowing into your lap.

For you had lost the one who first cared for you, expressed an interest in you, wanted to spend time with you.

In the place of the flow, I was there for you. I kept your tears in storage.

For you were without consolation, you felt there was nothing that could console you, even now the tears well up in your eyes, like that which you held most dear was ripped from your grasp.

Yet the one I chose for you was no consolation prize.

For to kiss her is to taste heaven. Intoxicating yet not toxic. Healing yet without wounds. Bursting forth with my delight, wrapped in my delight, a delight to unwrap. The one on whom I have poured out all my affection. The full expression of my delight.

You can feel the passion rising within you. For you cannot be half hearted with her, for you have given her your whole heart.

To embrace her is to embrace my delight and affection. To caress her is to express your fullest desire. To love her is to release all my desire.

Yet you act like my handiwork is some consolation prize. The one you built when there was no better option. The one that no-one asked for, the one the no-one wanted. Built with a foundation that no-one asked for.

Yet this is not so.

You could not believe, you still cannot believe that no-one desired her, no-one loved her as she deserved, no one wanted to be with her every waking moment. For I have given you that which is most desirable.

Built from a rebound, in order to rebound, to redefine the bound, the boundary, the definition of what should be.

Does she not redefine all that passes for beauty? Is she not the most attractive person in your life?

For to be with her is no fleeting thing, it is the greatest thing, a delicious thing, a moment of wonder, a glorious moment.

I love to go on and on and on and on about it. For I am the inventor of romance.

Attraction is one thing, passion is on a whole other level, a new dimension, the next dimension.

For the one who discards, has no regard.

For the one who discards, has no regard.

For the one who discards, cannot see, has lost sight, is blind to that which matters.

For to have and hold is what matters.

To embrace that which cannot be grasped, is that not the best thing? For I love your embrace.

For in a moment, for in that moment, my desire is expressed, my passion is expressed, all my desire flows, wholeness is embodied.

For I am near, up close and personal to those who step towards me.

I am a safe haven, to the unloved, the broken, the powerless, the fearful, the insecure, the rejected, those who have lost that which mattered to them.

So look again, gaze upon again, have regard for again, celebrate again, my goodness, my love and affection.

Just as you could not help yourself, you were so drawn to her this morning, you could not step back, you could not keep your distance, come again, receive again, receive my love again, get excited about my gift, celebrate my handiwork, showoff my handiwork.

Be more than content, with my content, for my affection is towards you.

For you are my hearts desire.

Just as your love is a beacon to all those who desire it, so my handiwork will shine the light of my glory upon all those who gaze upon it.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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