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Without a Trace

And I see you tracing upon the edge.

And I see you trying to align the edge.

And I see your hands upon the tracing paper.

Yet you don’t realise that what you are trying to copy is actually your masterpiece.

And let me take you back.

And let me rewind the clock.

And let me reclaim the time.

And let me show you my handiwork.

And you see the lines at first.

And you see the shapes at first.

New patterns.

New patterns.

New streets.

New paths.

New buildings.

New streams.

Houses and towering buildings.

A whole new landscape.

And the sun shining and glowing on specific paths.

And let’s go back further.

Let’s rewind the clock again.

For you wonder how the edge came to be.

You think the edge was defined by the point of your pen.

But as your fingers rested upon the paper the edge was formed. The shapes appeared at first incomplete but now joining together.

For first comes the shape, for I have defined the shape of that which is to come.

And what is it that fills the shape.

For others shall provide the material for your brush. For it is in the mix. By your hand I’m mixing it up.

At first in 2 dimensions, like a blueprint.

But let’s go back further.

Let’s press rewind again.

For you know the shape of things to come.

For you know the shape of things to come.

For have I not shown you?

For you can see your hand upon it.

For you draw the shape from that which you have experienced. For you know not just what it looks like, you know what it feels like. For your hand has been on the edge, has felt the texture of the edge. Like your fingers upon the edge of the leaf.

For the one who has seen, for the one to whom I have given my sight, does not wander in the darkness, but wonders in the light of life.

For this great expanse lies before you.

You see but a glimpse at first. Like a small picture lying on the table before you.

And as the tracing paper falls away, clarity appears before your eyes. For I am removing the veil. I am unveiling my plans.

For it comes to life before you now, the plans of my hands now manifest before you.

For shall describe it for them, for you shall define it for them.

For this is no ordinary game of snakes and ladders. For you shall show them how to avoid the fall and how to climb the ladder.

For the weight of my glory falls upon you now.

For it shall be glorious.

For you walk into all that you have seen before.

For you will say to yourself in the future, this is all I have seen before.

For I have ordained all that is to come from long ago.

For you have been this way before. For before you entered this realm, this new frontier was revealed unto you.

For the way forward we have been exploring together for such a long time.

For who can say like you of the future that is to come that “I’ve been here before”.

For I have equipped you for this moment. Just release yourself from the natural, for you can trust me that this will just come naturally to you.

For I have given you all that you need, the insight, the foresight, the hindsight, the sight of Elisha.

For no one sees it like you.

For no one knows it like you.

For you have been this way before.

For clarity now appears before you.

Guide my hand, open my eyes, show me the way.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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