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For what is within you must come out of you.

For what is with you must come out of you.

For when pressed upon, that which I have placed within you must come out of you.

When held under.

When pushed down.

When submerged.

When under that which is over, it shall rise from you.

For that which falls from the high place shall inhabit the low place.

As the rain falls from the heavens above that which I have placed within you shall rise from beneath.

For it bubbles up.

For it bubbles up.

It shall not be contained.


It cannot be held down.

It cannot be pressed down, for it SHALL rise.

Try as he might.

Try with all his might.

For he that presses on that which bubbles up, has no effect.

The more turbulence, the greater the splash, the more the air rises.

For what is seen in one realm cannot be seen in another.

For when above the air is unseen.

When it is submerged every bubble is clearly visible.

Yet when the rain falls upon the deep is not even felt. It has no impact, yet it builds capacity, it builds resource, it increases supply.

When it pours.

For when it pours.

For when it pours from above.

For when my supply comes.

For upon the dry land.

For upon the desert ground the rain is clearly visible.

For you saw it upon the rock.

For you perceived it resting upon the rock.

In the desert place, in the driest place, upon the driest rock what was it that I showed you?

The indelible impact, engraved upon the rock. The individual drop indelibly imprinted upon the rock. Drop after drop, drop after drop.

For then it was merely a glimpse of my goodness.

For in the place of the torrent.

For when the torrent falls, capacity is built.

Accelerated capacity, immense volume.

For my goodness is falling.

Look up and say “my goodness”

For it falls from above, only to rise from beneath.

For the rain comes from the heavens above.

Your breath from the heavenly one.

I am breathing life back into you.

In the midst of it all is that which absorbs.

For the sponge absorbs the goodness of that which is fluid, only to release it again.

Your lungs absorb the goodness of that which cannot be seen, only to release it again.

For whether beneath the water, or above the service shall I not be your supply?

Either way that which I have put in you must be released.

That which is within you is the antidote for that which is without you.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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