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Wide Open

##Wide Open

Wide Open.

Open wide.

For it opens before you.

For I am open towards you.

I have cleared my schedule, it is wide open for you.

Without hesitation.

Do not hesitate.

Do not hesitate to contact me, if you need to.

For my arms are open wide.

For my arms are open wide in anticipation.

For my arms are open wide in anticipation of your embrace.

For you must.

For you must embrace.

For you must embrace that which you cannot grasp.

You long for her embrace.

The moment of the release, is the moment you long for another embrace.

Life is just an interruption between embraces for you.

For she has hold of you.

For I have hold of you.

I am here for you.

My arms are open wide.

“Come a little closer, stay a little longer, I can’t get enough of you”

Yet I sense the pain within you, and the hesitation, the withdrawal, the holding back, in order that you might remain.

You want to hold on to yourself, you want to keep it together, you hold on, to long to hold on, you are barely holding on to yourself.

For what is the point of holding your own hand?

Seriously what is the benefit?

How does this help?

For in the place of absence I am present.

In the place I loss I am found.

Lost and found.

Show up at the place called lost and found, and let me know what you are seeking.

For you shall find what it is that you seek.

You will find that which you did not know was missing.

How long will you leave me hanging?

For I long to be with you.

Yet so much more is wide open before you.

I have set before you the wide open space.

I have set before you wide open grace.

I have set before you, I have spread before you the largest table.

Yet what is it that holds you back, for you hold yourself back, you would rather hold yourself captive.

Yet you are bound to be free.

You are bound to display my freedom.

I have released you.

Yes I have released you.

For you shall go out.

You shall express my desire.

You shall be free.

The chains you carry are not yours.

The chains you carry are not yours.

Release my freedom.

Go wherever you want.

Explore that which opens before you.

Take your time.

Take my time.

For you shall have all the time you need.

Act like someone who is free.

Cloth yourself with freedom.

Expose yourself.

Reveal all that I reveal to you.

Shout it out.

Proclaim it from the rooftops.

For the words you speak shall come to pass.

It shall be as you say.

Tell me how it shall be.


Proclaim it.

Here let me put my words on your lips.

“Beauty for ashes, such transcendent beauty, beyond all you can imagine, transcendent, unprecedented, without precedent, unlike anything that has gone before, or will ever be again. The first and the last, unable to be replicated, unable to be surpassed, like nothing before it, resembling nothing before. Yet all will bow in awe. All surpassing, beyond that which was previously so limited. The work of my hands. The light shining in the darkness. My glory on display. A flow of my glory. The light of my glory. A reflection of my glory. The hand of glory. The path of glory. The enlightened path. The path of lightness. The beaming path. The path of illumination.”

For this is what I have set before you.

The door is wide open, awaiting your arrival.

Psalms 18:35-36 You have also given me the shield of Your salvation, and Your right hand has held me up; Your gentleness and condescension have made me great. You have given plenty of room for my steps under me, that my feet would not slip.

Step forward, take my hand.

In your mind it is like you are blindfolded and have been taken by the hand into the deepest, darkest dungeon. Yet in my mind, I am taking you by the hand in to the place of abundant treasure. The light flickers under your veiled eyes, and you have caught but a glimpse of what I have in store for you.

For you are my precious treasure, the one my heart desires.

For I say unto you, what you say to her “when I look at you my heart skips a beat and I am so excited to see you”

Come away with me, walk with me, for it shall be glorious.

Embrace all that I have in store for you.

Embrace all that I have stored up for you.

Here let me light the way for you.

Psalms 18:19 He brought me forth also into a large place; He was delivering me because He was pleased with me and delighted in me.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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