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3rd Party.

Party of three.

Party of Five.

Can I not just be alone! I am so tired of all the parties. Partnering. Pushing and pulling. Like a tug of war. How hard is it for people to honour their commitments?

Yet “Party of five” was your favourite show for so many years. You even named your daughter after one of the characters. The beautiful one, the kind one, the emotionally expressive one, the encouraging one, the supportive one, the rock which held the kids together.

What is not to like about your party of five?

The constant drama, the constant guidance, the thinking for others, the filling of the ever present gap. Where is the off switch, for I cannot find it!

Yet you hold on so tightly.

Hold on to this – peace.

Hold on to this – joy.

Hold on to this and enjoy.

You see it now don’t you.

Wave upon wave, bigger and bigger, rising above the horizon, surging before me!

Yet did I not say – wave goodbye to the waves!

You think the best way forward is to endure.

Yet to hold on, is to grow weaker every day, is to lose your grip, is to loose your grip.

Yet what is the source of your strength?

The joy of the Lord is my strength?

You wonder where your joy has gone?

Your body aches with the pain, with the loss, with the constant struggle.

Yet I am your joy!

Yet I am your strength.

Feel this for a moment.

Ponder this for a moment.

The anointing oils rolling down your dry and parched skin.

For you have missed the point.

For you have missed the point.

What is the point you are missing?

Psalms 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my [brimming] cup runs over.

First the preparation

Second the presence.

Third the anointing.

Fourth the overflow.

Whilst you sit there holding the cup of lack what is happening?

Whilst you sit there wondering what is going on…

Whilst you sit there before your enemy and receive the empty cup of lack, what is happening?

What is going on?

What is going on?

What is going on?

What is it that is going on?

What is being poured out first?

The anointing oil!

The soothing balm.

The ointment of joy.

The instrument of wholeness.

Let me say that again “THE INSTRUMENT OF WHOLENESS!”

Is this not the point you are missing?

For my wholeness flows upon you.

For my fullness flows upon you.

For my abundance flows upon you.

For how can lack be present where there is the flow of wholeness?

First the restoration of wholeness.

Then the cup of overflow.

You can see it now can’t you?

The one drop restores the grey, lifeless body to warmth, colour and wholeness.

Just leave the whole thing to me.

Just leave the whole thing to me.

Just leave the business of wholeness to me.

For at my word you shall be whole.

Speak my word and you shall restore wholeness.

For from my oil flows wholeness.

Speak wholeness.

Prophesy wholeness.

Pour out my wholeness.

Release my wholeness.

Say “here have a drop of wholeness”

For I have chosen you to bring wholeness.

Why so surprised that all around you are so broken!

Are you not the restorer of ancient ruins.

You woke up with it, you tripped over it, you complained about it.

Walking across what was once smooth ground, now covered in brokenness, tripping over the rubble.

Yet have I not provided the means of restoration?

Why so surprised you find yourself amongst the ruins?

Are these not the building blocks of wholeness.

Here let me show you which piece goes where.

Did I not declare that everything would fall into place.

For it falls into place before you.

For it falls into the place of wholeness before you.

Leave the whole thing to me.

Speak wholeness and you shall be whole.

Speak wholeness and they shall be whole.

For I have given you the language of wholeness.

I have placed my words upon your lips.

More than a reversal.

Better than before.

Better than before.

New for old replacement.

The same but different.

The same renewed.

The same better than before.

The reversal of decay.

New life.

Pour it out Lord.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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