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Well Placed

Without placement.

Out of place.


Not in the normal place.

Not in the usual position.

In a new place.

In a new location.

In the presence of the new.

Falling into place.

Rolling into place.

Coming into placement.

Coming into your place.

Yet you confuse position with placement.

For you are well positioned.

You are well equipped.

Take me to the edge of something greater.

For at the appointed time the prisoner shall become the ruler.

Yet before the placement comes the position.

And here I sit, invited to a party full of people I don’t know.

Yes I have moved you out of position into placement.

I know you don’t what to be here, or there!

Thrust out into the new.

Imposed upon, or bestowed upon?

For it was not comfortable for David to wear the Kings armour, even though I had anointed him as yet.

For he was not yet appointed, although he was anointed.

Yet at the time of his appointing, the armour was bestowed upon him.

For you feel out of position.

Thanked for a role that you find easy to perform, yet feeling frustrated as no-one followed your script.

Yet the time will come where your enemy bows before you.

For whether you are the shepherd or the king I have made you a ruler over many.

You feel the angst, the irritation, the imposition, the lack of control, the lack of influence, the tyranny of the in-between, the restriction of the place, before the freedom of the palace.

For your enemy would like you to be convinced you are a slave to your circumstance, you are restricted by the rules of the prison, the limitations of the country wherein you live.

Yet the power I have conferred upon you is without appointment, without consideration for your circumstance, without giving heed to the limitations of your place.

It’s like one of your favourite movie scenes, the one you watch over and over, the one where they thought they had the hero cornered, restricted, overwhelmed by the odds against him.

Yet he noticed one of them sweating with nervous anticipation as to what was going to happen next.

Before we get started does anybody want to get out!

He was supremely confident in his ability to overcome, so much so he gave his enemy an option to avoid the beating that was to come!

Yet in this same place, you feel the confinement, the limitation, the restriction, the imposition, the overwhelming odds against you.

You want to tag yourself out, to step out, to back off, to shy away, to retreat so that no-one gets hurt.

Yet you feel the rage rising within you.

The agitation.

The stirring.

The bursting forth.

Like the Hulk starting to turn green.

You fear for all those around you, as you know that they will get hurt!

Yet within you I have placed all my passion, my fire, my power to overcome!

Yet I feel so lifeless, so without power, so limited, it is an effort to breathe!

Just step out of yourself.

Just come out of your shell.

Come into the light.

Come into the place of lightness.

Come into the place of glory.

For my glory rests upon you, resides in your place, takes up habitation in your place, pervades your place, gives you placement.

For my glory resonates with you, has a presence within you, has power within you.

For you feel my glory, in the presence of my glory, and it brings forth glory, it releases my joy!

I see you wrestling with yourself.

I see you wondering what to wear, what robe to put on, as you think this will help you to get into the role.

Joseph’s position and power was defined by the robe and ring put on his finger by Pharaoh.

From man’s perspective that is true, yet in whatever role he performed, and whatever he wore, his position and power was defined by me!

For the position he was appointed to came out the position and power I had bestowed on him. This was a personal thing that at the appointed time became a public thing.

At the crucial time where he was asked how he interpreted the dream, he spoke of My power, for it was from an outpouring of his relationship with me, that great blessing came.

I see you wrestling with yourself until you get the blessing.

Yet I have already given it to you!

This is my command to you, care not for what man will think, or how they will respond, do not be dismayed at the sight of their faces, lest I permit you to be overcome.

For you are my overcomer.

For you are the one I have bestowed by glory upon.

It is time to release my glory.

It is time for your face to shine again.

It is time for you to reflect my glory again.

It is time to break the chains of confinement.

It is time for a fresh baptism of fire.

It is time for the light of my glory, the radiance of my glory to invade, to pervade, to overwhelm all that overwhelms you.

For it burns within and must come out.

Fear not the consequence.

Fear not the outcome of the coming out!

For it is time to let your light shine before man, so that they will see your moral excellence and glorify me!

For my glory rises upon you now.

For my spotlight rises upon you now.

For I am drawing attention to you.

For I am not shy about my glorious son!

Be focussed, be centred, be placed, for you are in the place I have reserved for you.

For my delight is towards you, my favour opens a way for you.

You are invited.

You are my guest of honour.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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