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For I have made room for you.

In the place where there was no place.

In the place where you had no place.

In the place that was full.

In the place that was too busy.

In the habited place.

In the place of fullness.

In the place of fullness, I have found room for you.

For you shall experience my fullness.

You will experience my run off, if you don’t run off.

For overflow is here.

Pressed down shaken together running over.

For it falls into your lap.

For it shall fall into your lap.

For I have placed it in your lap.

For it shall fall upon you.

For it shall come to you.

For it shall fall into place.

For that which was out of place, shall now fall into place.

What is it you hear now?

Too easy!

Yes it shall be too easy for you.

For the season of labour is over.

For the season of the pushing is over.

For the season of contraction is over.

For that which was in you, now manifests before you!

That which is in you now flows out of you.

How hard was it for you to prepare what to say to your group?

How hard was it to connect with those in your car community?

Too easy. Unexpectedly easy!

Have I not gone before you?

Have I not prepared the way?

Have I not placed my foot upon the path before you?

Have I not prepared the way?

For when that which I placed in you, comes out of you, there is only release!

Be released.

For I have released you!

A release of blessing.

An overflow of blessing.

The manifestation of celebration.

The overflowing cup.

The cup of overflow.

The cup designed to contain, now overflows.

For you shall go with my flow.

Wherever you go, you will see my footsteps.

You will see that I have gone before you.

Did you not see it?

Do you not perceive this new thing?

For before you arrived I was there.

The moment you arrived the leader was there to greet you.

To place my coat of favour upon you.

To set you apart from the rest.

To make you welcome.

To treat you as special.

Was this so unkind?

Was this not of a different kind?

Was this not unexpected?

For you felt yourself falling, you were holding your breath, taking all your strength to take yourself out.

Yet I have paved the way.

I had made a way.

For now is the time of the times.

Now is the time of the good times.

Now is the time of the revelation of my goodness.

Repeat after me and say “Oh my goodness!”

Say it louder “OH MY GOODNESS!”

Say unto yourself “LOOK OUT THERE IS GOODNESS!”

Say unto yourself “that was unexpected!”

Say everywhere you go, “There is the goodness of the Lord, manifest!”

For it springs up now.

For now it springs up.

For in the time of the spring, it springs forth, my love springs forth, my joy springs forth, my delight springs forth, my kindness springs forth, the harvest springs forth.

Arise and come forth.

For my goodness springs forth.

For in this season.

For in this season.

For in this season.

For in this season.

For in this season.

For in this season.

I feel like I a writing lines in detention Lord!

For in this season.

For in this season.

Say unto yourself “in this season, what is to come is so different from what has gone before.”

For I am giving you replacement.

New for old replacement.

Instead of rejection, recognition.

Instead of dishonour, authority.

Instead of theft, tribute.

Instead of taking, the giving of more and more.

Instead of fear, the overflow of courage.

More than courage, a sense that you have arrived at your destination.

You mess me up Lord!

Say unto yourself “I have arrived at the place of my destiny!”

For what is it you see now?

Your hand upon my shoulder.

For I have given you my authority.

Shake off all apprehension, for you have already obtained that which you seek.

For you already possess that which you are possessing.

For you feel it now don’t you?

That my hands only type what you are saying, they possess a power of their own to write only what you say.

For you shall be my spokesman.

For you shall speak with new authority, with a new confidence, that you have not known before.

For I am restoring the years.

I am restoring all the years.

I am not skipping over them.

I am not mucking around in the mud.

For the waters are subsiding, and the seed that was in the mud now blossoms.

I am accelerating all that was slowed.

I am going to make this too easy for you.

You will look in wonder and wonder how it all happened so fast, and so easy.

Did I not say I will smooth the path, I will flatten the mountain, I will raise up the valley.

For we are going to a new level.

The level place.

The road without obstacle.

The paved path, with its own welcoming committee.

You see it now don’t you.

A welcoming party, full of people we have never meet, that are so excited to see us!

For they will say unto you “I have been wanting to meet you for some time, I have heard so many good stories about you, that I feel like we know you when we have never met before.”

I can see on your face, you are beginning to believe again, to hope again, to smile again, to enjoy again.

Open my eyes, let me see more of your love…

It is time to step out of the old season.

For the spring time has come, and the glory of the Lord is revealed.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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