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Way to go

Can I just have a moment?

Can you not just take a moment.

I see you sinking because you are not synccing.

Caught up in the turmoil.

Caught up in the storm.

A face full of water, barely able to take a breath.

Struggling to breathe.

Struggling to find a place of stability.

Reminds me of being on the great barrier reef, trying not to drown, and disturb the peaceful enjoyment of my wife's adventure, and then finally finding some solid ground in the water on a sandbar, only to be attacked by my favourite creature - birds!

I see you are red raw from all this.

I see the redness of your skin.

I see you burning.

I see you in the melting pot.

I see you trying to hold your ground.

Yet the intensity of it all is too much for you, and all that remains is a great sense of burning.

Yet I see the fire burning in your eyes, your refusal to give up, to give in, to surrender into a pile of ashes.

Is it not your destiny to lie with those who are aflame?

Yet it seems that my choices are to lie alone in the flames of hell, or the reality of my existence, or to bring forth your fire and burn down the enemies camp. Whose fire it is, is so hard to recognise these days. All I feel is the smoke, and it is so hard to breathe.

And yet what is it I have shown you?

A picture of my chest, glowing red with sunburn, and my breath short and hurried like it hurts so much to breathe. And then I feel the gentle breeze blowing upon me, like someone who cares for me so much, just blowing upon me, trying to soothe the pain I am going through. And I look up to see you smiling upon me, the tears just flow from my eyes. How could I be loved this much, and yet feel so much pain!

Every little thing is going to be OK.

Every little thing is going to be OK.

I know this is an old song, but I know it is one of your favourites.

Come take over - I hear these words from a new favourite that I have played hundreds of time. "And I want to know you, let your spirit overwhelm me, let your presence take my heart".
Just come an take over Lord. For clearly we are not going anywhere without your presence. Show up now in our storm. Show up now in our path. Reveal yourself. Manifest yourself. Bring forth what you have promised. Bring forth a turnaround.
And there you are. You are always so kind to me. You always come when I let you in, when I invite you in.
And I feel you now. "breathe on us", as the song goes. "come and breathe on us"

And what is it you see now?

The light shining into the intense darkness of the dungeon, of the cave of doom an gloom, the brightness of your glory appearing from behind us. Like you have opened a door, you have made a way of escape so that we are able to bear it.

Take us by the hand Lord, and show us step by step, show us the next step, encourage our movement, let us see your hand of movement, move others into position in lock step with your movement. Breakthrough on the right and on the left, in the front and behind.

For your enemy thinks he has trapped you in the cave of Absalom in the place of no escape, the pit of darkness and despair.

But there is no limitation, there are no dead ends for me.

Putting me in a tomb, he though was his greatest moment, but all it became was a symbol of victory for me.

For any threat from him is simply an "empty" threat.

For who can kill that which must be resurrected?

For any attack from him, only serves a greater purpose for me.

For he only goads you into a place where you will accept "defeat".

He wants you to be in sync with him, and the only thing he knows is "defeat".

Yet just wait a see the victory I have prepared for you.

Open the door Lord, for without your direction we are lost in the darkness. Be a light unto our feet and a lamp unto our path.

For I am establishing a way for you.

This is how I see it.

You have stepped off the ledge, and now you find yourself with nothing under your feet.

Fear not for this is merely the start of all that is to come next.

Lift us up Lord, less we fall.

Come away with me, for your voice is soothing and your face is ravishing.

For I will show you the way to go.

A beckoning for a day of reckoning.

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Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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