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Upside Down

For that which was past has passed.

For you have overtaken it.

It lies behind you not before you.

It’s all downhill from here.

The energy used to get here will be so much less than the energy to get from here.

For I am taking you down.

Repeat after me “for I am taking you down”

What stood in the way shall be taken down.

Yet that which was down shall be taken up.

For I am reversing it for you.

The down shall be up, and the up shall be down.

That which stood up before you shall bow down before you.

That which was stood down, shall now have a job to do.

For you shall look down upon your opponent.

For he shall be beneath you.

For you shall rise before him.

For the one that was down shall now be up.

For I am pulling down the strongholds.

The one possessing strength shall be weak at the knees before you, shall tremble before you.

For I have appointed you to rule over him.

You shall have dominion. You shall have my authority.

For you shall be my rain maker.

For all shall attend to your way.

They will prefer your way to the old way, to their way, to the highway.

They will abandon their plans and take up your plan for them.

For there shall be a twist.

There shall be a deviation.

There shall be a new way.

And unexpected way. A new way. A paved way. A smooth way.

You shall not need to rely on the plans of another, an opportunity from another.

For I will provide the opportunity.

For it forms before you as you form it.

It rises before you as you rise.

It positions itself before you as you take up your position.

Have I not prepared this table?

Is this not my food upon it?

Will I not bring that which was dead to life?

For it lays dormant before you.

It was once alive, taken from the finest tree, fashioned into a rod, now dead in your hand.

Yet I will cause it to bud in your hand.

For I bring life from that which was long dead.

I care not for the corpse, for that which was dead now comes to life.

Mourn not over that which was lost.

Celebrate all that is coming to life.

For behold the winter is over and gone, the land springs to life at my command.

For my word will serve as the fertiliser.

For my seed shall quicken the land and cause it to flourish.

In the land of the desert shall come the greatest abundance.

Watch me make something out of nothing.

For it falls before you.

For it shall fall into place before you.

Nothing of value shall be lost.

For I shall get a return on my investment.

For the latter glory shall far exceed the former glory.

Abundance multiplied. For the sower shall overtake the reaper. Back to back harvests, sowing and reaping all at once. More than you hoped for. More than you plan for. More than you expect.

For I am out of order.

Not out of orders.

For my order book is full.

Let your hands be strong and hardened and keep building the temple.

For it shall be glorious. The pinnacle of glory, the manifestation of my glory.

Your glory will fall and we will all cry out grace be to the risen one...



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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