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He is risen
Up from the grace He arose with a mighty triumph over his foes.

I am that which rises.

I am that which causes you to rise.

Why are you looking amongst that which is dead, for He is risen.

Now you know.

Now you know.

Why you feel so out of place.

For that which dies remains buried.

That which dies should remain dead and buried.

Yet that which lives has no place amongst that which is dead.

For the darkness could not hold him. For He is the light!

For my light breaks through all that which is dark.

My lightning illuminates the darkest storm.

For they came to view that which was dead and pay their respects.

But they found life in the place of death.

They found that which lives in the place of death.

They found their breakthrough in the place of brokenness.

They found the tomb was open.

They found that which was closed up for for good, open for good, to bring forth goodness, to bring forth my goodness, to bring light to that place of darkness.

To manifest that which was already evident. For my light shone in the darkest place. My light broke through. My light broke open that which was closed. My light shone in the darkness.

Then they rolled away the stone to reveal the rock.

For they could not find me there in the dark. For I had come out into the light, to bring my light to all that was dark.

Arise my fair one and come away.

Arise from your darkness.

And what is it you see now?

Arising from the coffin, for you have lifted the lid. Arising to the land of darkness to bring forth your light. For my eyes have seen your glory and it is truly glorious. My soul, my heart rejoices in your goodness, your grace, your kindness, your love, the manifestation of your love.

Like a ripple bursting forth across the land.

At first a stirring.

A first a rising up.

Like a mountain rising from the plain.

Making a point. Making an unexpected point. Rising to a point.

Like the wheat rising from the barren soil.

Like the seed that appears to be dead, sprouting forth from the barren land.

Like the blossom bursting forth from the tree that appears to be dead.

For at the appointed time, for at the time of the appointment, you shall reap an abundant harvest, if you don’t relax your grip on courage.

Hold on to courage.

Let go of fear.

Let go of that which is dead. For that which was for a time is now dead.

Yet that which has walked amongst the tombs, shall now bring life to the whole land, and wholeness to all that is broken.

For I am giving you the field, the fields of harvest, signs of life in the land of death.

For you shall see signs of life in the dead places.

You may feel so out of place, fear not for light looks so different to the darkness.

Yet you are in the right place. You are in my place. You will bring the light of transformation to all that was lost, all that was broken, all that was rejected, all that contended with you, all that wrestled with you, all that pulled you down.

For death has no hold of you.

For I have come so that you may have life, and place my fullness on display.

For when you see the blossoms.

For when you see the blossoms.

For when you see the blossoms.

It is a sign for you of the abundance that is now manifest for you.

Declare growth and see growth.

Expect an uprising.

Expect the unexpected. Un expect that which you expected. Expect more from me.

Expect growth, expect life, expect fullness.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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