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What was the word I woke you up with this morning?


For I see you are lost without your list.

For I see you wandering around wondering what should be on your list.

I can see you feeling listless.

Look it up...

Listless: having or showing little or no interest in anything; languid; spiritless; indifferent:

Yet this is not my definition, nor shall it define you.

For you have my spirit. You are a man of a different spirit. Not indifferent but so different. What I have for you is so different.

For you shall be unwound.

For you shall be unwrapped, but not unwrapt.

For you shall be unwounded, no longer wounded, for you shall give no thought to your wounds.

For I have healed your bones.

For I have tended to your wounds.

For you shall be unwrapped like Lazarus.

Loosed from the binding. Loosed from the grave clothes. Loosed from that which held you captive. Loosed from all harm. Loosed from the dark place, the ultimate place of captivity, the tomb of the dead.

Yet I have called you out. I have called you forth. I have called you forth. And forth shall you come.

For you are my chosen one.

For you shall restore that which was broken.

Let me say that again “you shall restore that which was broken”.

For the broken vessel contains my wholeness.

Let me say that again “for the broken vessel contains my wholeness.”

For it is in the broken place that my wholeness resides.

For I have placed my freedom in the captive place.

For my freedom sits in the tomb, rests in the tomb, awaiting for my call.

For my spirit shall rise again within you.

My power manifest like never before.

I’m shaking the very foundations of this world.

Like none before or since, I have chosen you for this moment.

For it shall be profound, so profound, so beyond all that man describes as “wisdom”.

I hear you saying “I’m beyond it”.

And I agree you are beyond it.

For I have placed you beyond the boundary line.

I declare you are out of bounds.

I declare you inhabit the place beyond the natural limit.

For what is to come, now rests before you.

For I shall enable you to conquer on the left and on the right. I have declared your enemy is off side. I have declared you shall play on whilst he is sidelined.

I have placed my chains upon him.

You see the giant unravelling.

The giant pole unravelling.

List upon list, unwrapped from that which it was bound to.

A grand opening, a great unwrapping.

Like a flower opening before you. Each petal a list of what was and has now become.

Yet I am elevating the stem, building the launching pad, the pad of the launching, the place of the grand opening.

Yet there is another dimension. Layer upon layer, colour upon colour.

The many dimensions of colour.

Up and above, down and below. All rising from the common stem.

Is this not the seed manifest by the seed caster?

The sphere of influence, the centre of influence, the power of influence.

One seed attached to another, multiplied by my breath.

Each part of the whole, but whole in and of itself. A petal, a seed, a flower, a stem.

Flying together each with their own parachute, designed for a soft landing.

Watch me blow on it, multiply it, spread it to the four winds.

For it is so much more than you expect.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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