It was unwarranted, unexpected. It did not conform to specifications. It was sub standard. It did not pass the test. It was doomed to failure. Some part of it was broken. You could not see it. From the outside it was beautiful. It was a dream. When opened, when unwrapped, it shattered all over the ground.
It was an unwelcome intrusion on my life. The dream was exciting and captivating, yet it held me captive, hostage. The joy of the dream, the hope of the fantasy. The delight of joy on the face of the one I love.
The anticipation, the tension, the wrestling, the daring to ask. The request for intent, the immediate response. The unmerited favour. The confirmation of action, the endorsement of the plan. The warranty of favour.
The unwrapping, the outpouring, the expected joy……
But no, the outpouring of tears. The sorrow, the pain, the anguish, the lack, the brokenness, the absence, the choice, the withdrawal, the pull back, the retreat, the stepping back.
The planned intervention…
I plan to intervene, I overflow in the place of lack. Not “I hope” to overflow, not “I might” overflow, but just “I overflow”. This you can expect. This is inevitable. This is a consequence, a byproduct of my nature. Just because I am present, this will happen. Overflow with joy, not tears. For I care, for I love, for I am hope, I am joy, I am fullness, I am overflow, I am abundance, I am multiplication. I break your primitive laws. Zero X me = overflow. Not zero. Something in the place of nothing. Peace in the place of war, prosperity in the place of lack, harmony in the place of discord, unity in the place of separation. Lack in my presence becomes fullness. Do you not get that?! The lack, the absence, becomes presence. Do you get that?! Absence becomes presence. There is no absence when I am present! Oh how I love to speak with you. You are my treasure, my precious, I love to speak with you. Do not be overcome, but be an overcomer. You are “over” lack, over brokenness, over fragments, over that which is shattered, and scattered. Do you hear me… my voice echoes in unison with yours “I am over it!”. I am done with it, I have completed it. The drawing together of the fragments of your life is an awesome job. I revel in it, I enjoy the task. I love my work! I consider the lack an opportunity to bring fullness.
The weight of the lack consumes me, like a huge robe, placed upon my shoulders, so that I cannot move. It takes all my strength just to stand, to keep moving, to keep focus. My peace is disturbed, by the disturbance, the turbulence. The waves have washed over me and I go under, I am submerged.
In that moment, what is my posture, what is my position, what is my state of mind? Agitated or at peace? Fighting for life or resigned to my fate. No, I am at peace, I’m celebrating the moment of the dream, the impact, the splash. The leap of faith. The bomb! Is the bomb!
For if I hit the bottom, I will push up and rise again. I will surface. For that which is heavy, rises to the top again, comes to the surface. It rests not on the bottom, but comes again to the surface.
What is your focus? What is your reasoning? Tell me your maths? Zero X infinity? What is your answer? The biggest number you can think of X zero =? For you, logic dictates = zero. For me, the smallest thing I can think of X me = the smallest thing. Atomic size = atom, plankton size = plankton. The smallest thing for me, feeds the largest thing, supports the largest thing. The largest cannot survive without the smallest, most insignificant thing. So small that it cannot be seen, but so significant to me, that when multiplied becomes the very source of survival. The largest whale, feeds off the smallest thing. And so it shall be for you. Almost invisible, in my flow, and yet shall be ingested, shall be a meal of substance, of sustenance for the largest. Your small beginnings shall not be despised. You too shall not despise your smallness. Be enlarged, spread forth, overflow, beyond capacity. Create lack, create a gap, for I love to fill it. You can expect me, rely on me, to bring fullness. It is my nature – fullness. I command you not to focus on the zero, the lack, but focus on my capacity, my fullness. This is the new thing for you. Will you earnestly give heed to this fullness? For it bursts forth in the place of lack, in the desert, there shall be rivers of abundant water, of life giving water. More than what you expect. Soaking, liberating, an oasis in the desert. Water for the parched and thirsty. Agree with me in this! It is unwarranted, unmerited, it is my favour. You do not need insurance. I am your insurance, be assured of that. I warrant, I undertake to restore whatever breaks. You can rely on me. Make a claim, and see me fulfill it. No excess from you is required, as I shall provide the excess. Expect excess from me! Have I not demonstrated this to you? Is that which you drive, covered by me, have you needed to make a claim? Did you not expect to pay more, but ended up with the most reliable car! Why because you relied on me. I am reliable. I have given you a warranty certificate. Make a claim on me why don’t you! There is no limit, no premium required, only premium service given. Above and beyond, you can expect. Come a little closer. Make a claim on me! I know you are not one of those “name it and claim it types”, that is why I want you to make a claim. Ask big, and expect bigger! Go on I dare you! Ask as though you have lost everything, and are about to call your insurance company and make a claim, and they stand there with a blank cheque, without limitation. Expect a rapid turnaround. Expect new for old replacement, expect to be pleasantly surprised. Do not be nervous, about what I will do, be joyful, confident, exuberant in the Holy of Israel. The one who is set apart. The one who boldly sets you apart!
So Lord today, you mess me up, through the misty eyes, through the struggling for composure I ask for…I make, a new for old replacement claim.
New joy, in the place of sorrow, new consistent peace in the place of conflict, new momentum – a monument to momentum, new whales to feed, multiplied multiples, sweet in the place of bitter, the light for the heavy, time to relax away from the busyness, harmony in the place of discord, energy and vigor, stillness in the storm, flow of the fluid, wisdom in place of ignorance, prosperity in the place of lack, fruit in the place of seed, creativity in the place of tiredness, the joy of the Lord shall be our strength, the dream in the place of the nightmare.
Praise be to your glorious name Jesus!