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Say unto yourself “I’m untied up right now”

Say unto yourself “thou are loosed!”

For this is the time of the unwrapping.

Be unwrapped.

For this is the time of great revelation.

The time of the great revelation.

The revelation of greatness.

The time of the unveiling.

The time of coming out.

The time to come out.

The time to be open.

The time to come out into the open.

The time of great openness.

Extend your arms.

Stretch your arms wide.

Say “open wide.”

Release yourself.

Untie yourself.

Loose yourself.

Be free.

For you are free to move.

Without restriction, without restraint.

Untie yourself.

For you are bound to be free.

Boundless, be without bounds, beyond the boundary, cross the line.

Be not afraid of the line.

For it shall have no bearing.

For that which contains another, shall have no power to contain you.

Don’t colour between the lines.

For I have called you to be my highlight.

For that highlighter respects no line, no point of contrast, it serves the purposes of highlighting the boundary, drawing out the contrast, bringing my glory to the dull and lifeless.

For you ask “what is the point?” But you already know the answer…

I am the point.

Whenever you say it is pointless what are you highlighting?

The outcome is lacking.

What are you looking at?


The gap, that which is missing, that which is lacking.

Yet you have no regard for what you possess.

You give no thought to what you have.

You look upon your self, you look down upon yourself, you only consider what you see, but give no regard for what is unseen!

You need to “unsee”

For you do not see what I see.

What are you looking at?

Your hands, your work, your handiwork.

So will you let your hands be strong!


Give your hands permission to be strong.

For you know what is missing.

It is time to take off the covers.

For you are holding yourself back.

It’s like you would rather pretend to be Clark Kent, rather than reveal your superpowers!

You know your real name, LEGION, for I have given you the power of a thousand.

It is time to break the chains.

Explode the chains.

For this is not a fair fight.

You act like you have no power.

You don’t want to make a scene.

When I have called you do that very thing.

Do you really think you are limited.

You look at the dots, you form your solution, yet struggle to bring it to pass.

You see me in everything, but give me no room to move.

Like Wanda who can make something from nothing, you are trying to work like everyone else. You don’t now how to cook, but are trying to make a meal of it.

Yet I have given you power to make something out of nothing.

No incremental work is required, just your belief, your proclamation, your decree.

Does the king do the work of a peasant?

No he sits upon his throne.

For I have given you great power!

Power to move.

Power to shift.

Power to transform.

Power to rise.

Power to break the chains.

Power to overcome all the works of the enemy.

For you see it happening all around you.

At the release of your word, my work begins.

For you know what I am talking about.

Kindness, joy, peace, wonder, love, power, grace, elevation, glory have been RELEASED!


Repeat after me….

For this is the time of a great harvest, the bursting forth of streams in the desert, flowers springing forth from the dry ground, a time of great fruitfulness, a breaking of barrenness, the restoration of all that was lost, the birthing of the new, the revelation of my glory, the best of times, the time of the times, the light shining in the darkness, the breaking of the chains, my power on display like never before.

For you shall be a symbol and a source of blessing, resounding across the land.

This is my decree, this is my declaration, my word shall be performed, nothing shall prevent the release of my glory.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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