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I have reserved for you what I have preserved for you.

I have preserved for you what I have reserved for you.

Do not preserve yourself by reserving yourself.

Present yourself as a present.

I have reserved a place for you.

Be unreserved be out going. For I have established your going.

For it unfurls before you.

I have unwrapped it for you.

It is my gift to you.

Golden in colour.

Golden in nature.

Golden in material.

For it glitters and is golden.

For your eyes do not deceive you.

Made by my own hand.

Fit for purpose.

Fit for the purpose I have intended for it.

Fit for my chosen one.

At first glance you sit and ponder.

You sit in wonder.

You feel so overwhelmed by it.

The tears roll down your face.

You want to ask “is that for me?” But you know it is the work of my hands.

You know I made it for you.

I put your name on it.

What does it represent to you?

A garment hand made just for me. For each row was made with love and affection, a labour of love from my beloved mother. I remember wearing it until it fell apart.

A special covering.

A special warmth, expressing the warmth of her affection for you.

A tangible wrapping.

Like having her arms wrapped around you wherever you went.

A act of kindness, a special gift for a much loved child.

Yet what of the golden garment?

I know you want to say “it’s too flashy for me.”

Yet it reflects my nature.

I’m no longer interested in being subtle.

I intend for you to stand out in a crowd.

I intend for you to brighten everyone’s day.

For why is it that you have become so shy?

Embarrassment was never a consideration for you.

Have I not said “don’t hold back, for you won’t be embarrassed!?”

It’s like you have decided to pack up your suit, and declared to yourself “my glory days are over.”

Yet you know whose glory it was to give you these things.

Did we not do so many impossible things together?

It’s like you won’t listen to the advice you gave to your mother!

For she chose the path of endurance rather than the path of glory.

You feel her strength fading and your own as a result.

For the flower fades and the glory of it, yet my word stands forever.

I feel you.

I am here with you now.

For your time is not yet come.

Your most glorious days are ahead of you.

Time after time.

Time after time.

Time after time.

For the ground breaks at the sound of your footsteps.

For you feel it don’t you!

For you know the power that lies dormant within you.

Like a bear in hibernation for the winter.

Not seen or heard, but just resting in readiness for what is to come.

For you feel my spirit rising within you now.

For it is not in your nature to lie down.

For you will rise again, and the latter glory will far outshine what was before.

For I know you feel so uncomfortable at the moment.

For that which covered you has been removed and there you sit and rest in the elevated place.

For you have shed your old skin, and there is no putting it back on.

You feel yourself laid bare upon the side of the tree.

Waiting and pondering as to what I am going to do.

Yet the new covering is coming.

The old means of movement is falling away.

For the time of your emergence has come.

No more digging in the dirt.

No more wandering around in the dark.

No more foraging for food.

No more staying buried.

No more under the radar.

No more in the stillness and quiet.

No more being invisible.

For my glory shines upon you.

Receive the coat of glory.

Receive a new mantle.

No longer the son of, or the father of, but the chosen one.

For through you I am revealing my glory like never before.

Just let the old garment fall away.

For it is time to come out of the prison cell and express my freedom.

It is time to make a loud noise.

It is time to reproduce.

It is time to behold and become.

It is time to prophesy.

It is time to attract.

It is time for attention.

For in the place of tension there shall be attention.

If you don’t know what to be, if you don’t know what to say, if you don’t know what to wear, if you don’t know what to put on, just pick up what unfurls before you.

Just receive that which I have prepared for you, for this time, for this moment.

For you were designed for this purpose.

Take up the cloak of glory that I have made with my own hands.

When you don’t know how to feel, just feel the warmth of my embrace, my love an affection, the glory manifest before you and through you.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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