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For I have given you my sight, my insight, my wisdom, my discernment.

For it appears before you.

For it walks before you.

For you feel it in ways others do not.

For it returns to you.

For it lingers in your presence.

For it penetrates deep within your soul.

For you know what it is.

You recognise that which others overlook.

You experience that which others do not.

When I walk by you recognise my footprints.

Your whole body resonates with my desire.

For this is not new to you.

Despite the enemies attacks and distractions designed to get you to tune me out, the longing of your soul draws you in.

It’s like that picture you keep seeing over and over, over and over.

In the room with the devil and his nurses trying to shock your corpse back to life.

The turn up the dial, and place the paddles on your chest, trying to awaken who you were.

And yet.

And yet.

And yet.

Each time they shock you, you only get stronger, your muscles growing larger and larger until the restraints are broken.

Until the restraints are broken.

And you arise from the operating table and stare at them with eyes blazing with my fire.

But it was different this time.

For as you arose you heard this wailing from your enemy crying out at the top of his lungs with these words...


Clearly he has had enough of this approach.

And now what is it you see?

Blood dripping from my hand as I run it across the edge.

Yes it oozes from you.

Yes it drips from you.

Yes the weight of it falls from you.

Yes it pores from your hand as you rest it upon the edge. For in your hand I have placed the edge.

The cutting edge.

For it comes in a form that cannot be recognised but must be demonstrated.

For I could have told them all about walking on the water, where to stand and how to remain aloft and afloat.

And when I showed up walking on the water, what did they say about me?

And you came in a form that they did not recognise. They thought you were a ghost.

Yet this was a new thing.

This gave an edge to their experience of me.

For I did not lie upon the water. I did not move my the conventional means. I simply rested the edge of my foot upon the edge of the wave.

One edge elevated by another edge.

One foot in movement resting upon another wave expressing movement.

For I have given you the cutting edge.

For you shall cut off the old.

For you shall separate that which was previously bound together.

For you shall loose that which was bound.

For your edge shall break the connection, the chain of the binding, the established method of doing things.

Yet this is not an unforming this is a reforming. Cutting the one off from another and then connecting the off cut to the new thing.

A mix of the old and the new.

A blend of the best of the old with the strength of the new.

A cutting edge.

A means of establishing a new path.

A cutting out of the rock.

A removing of obstacles.

A crafting of a new way of doing things.

A making of the plain.

The making of the plain.

A cutting through and making plain.

A remix.

A groovy remix.

The same but different.

A new beat.

An upbeat rhythm.

For the path that lies ahead is a new way, an established going, a well worn path that you will be the first to step on.

For I know you have endured much.

For those who have endured much possess much hope and hope does not disappoint.

It is time to recognise your appointment.

For I have given you the edge.

Have a Selah moment of great momentum.

For the one who recognises the power of the edge, shall have my confidence, shall weld the sword of his enemy against him.

For in a moment he lay prostrate on the ground before you. The next moment his head was cut off from his body, for you had cut through and made a way for my people.

I know you feel so week and weary, and look for the place of calm to refresh your soul.

And yet.

And yet.

And yet.

Your body shakes with my power.

Your body radiates my joy.

For you know the power I have placed within you.

It is time to enter in.

It is time to put on the golden armour.

It is time to gird your sword at your side oh mighty one and ride out in a spirit of triumph and humility.

For when you recognise the power flowing through you, stand your ground and cut through and make a way where there was none.

Craft a new path, establish a new way, break forth into the unknown and make it known.

For I will give you the words to say.

I will give you the means to harvest.

I will give you all you need to utterly wreak havoc on your enemy.

For there he lies beneath you, your hand possessing the edge to bring an end to his reign.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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