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Who is it that has precedence?

The one who came after or the one who is before?

Who is it that defines your reality?

For who is it that formed you?

For who is it that defines your destiny, shapes your future, defines your reality?

The one who holds you or the one who holds your hand?

For I do not speak about how it was or how it is, but how it shall be!

Who will you tune into, who will you tune out?

You be the author, and I’ll be the page…

For you want the nice neat definition, to understand what you are and what you are not, yet I made you with rough edges. The rough edges define you just as much as the smooth ones.

I made you with gaps, with incomplete elements, empty places that only I can fill.

For you care too much about what others think. You do not want to disturb their composure, yet I formed you to be a harrow, to thresh the mountains, to disturb the peace, to rock the boat. Yes to rock the boat, for I love to rock the boat.

It was a simple request, “Go unto the other side”. For what was a calm start to it all, soon became stormy. For I had more in mind, than simply the destination.

My purpose was to rock their world, to get them to reconsider their means of transport, the journey of how they might reach their destination.

For in the natural, it was natural for them to consider only the natural.

It was logical for them to review the means by which they might travel, and then to select the boat as their best means of travel.

Yet I did not choose that method.

This was not my way.

For I do not consider the natural limitation, I make my own path.

Consider this, as the one capable of ascension, why did I choose to walk with them?

For my purpose was connection, community, relationship…

My promise was to walk amongst them, and for them to be my people.

I chose to walk with them.

Let me give you a word to define your reality….


I thought you would like that one, I could see the joy on your face as you heard it.

For how do you define it?

For I have called you to be extra-ordinary.

For one looks at another walking by on the street, and thinks nothing of it. They may see the smile on your face, but they think nothing of the manner in which you walk, or what you are walking on, or indeed that you are capable of walking.

I want to mess with their reality.

I want to give them a new perspective, a new frame of reference.

I want to rock the boat, I want to disturb their sense of reality, but more so I want them to step out of the boat.

Who cares about the storm, who is concerned about the destination, who is considering the end, when we are not there yet?

For you know that my word does not return to me, without accomplishing all that I have intended for it to perform.

I announce a new way, I demonstrate a new way, I disturb that which disturbs and disrupts and derails.

For do you really think I consider the work of my opponent?

Is there anything thing that can derail my plan?

I love to humiliate the devil, I laugh at the extent of his planning, how he goes to so much effort, for me only to use his work for your benefit.

I want to mess with the paradigm, the standard way, the obvious way, the expected way, the natural way.

For your enemy wants you to use your natural talents, to be Clark Kent, to remain hidden, to reserve your true strength.

Yet the natural walk on the stormy sea, is far from natural.

It is time to mess things up, to mix things up, to do the unexpected.

Let’s be out of order, out of context, out of the normal, beyond the natural.

For you remember well, the last time I showed up in power.

You expected me to follow the established process….

Have a time of worship, then ask people to come forth for prayer, for you to release my power as I had asked of you.

Yet what happened was not what you expected.

I love how you invited me to come, yet I was already enjoying my time with you.

For you carry my presence with you wherever you go.

You remember it now don’t you?

…bursting out with laughter and joy, in worship and in communion with me.

So when the time came, when you were ready to invite me in, I was already there.

I wanted to blow the minds of everyone there, so it was natural for me to pick the least likely thing, from the most resistant person.

None of you would have considered to ask me for healing for arthritis, yet I chose the least to have the greatest impact.

Was it not such a laugh to then speak these words over her

Don’t put your feet up!

I was laughing so hard when she interrupted my words to question you to push you not to mess with her reality.

But you could not stop, you could not withdraw my words…

For you shall have more energy than ever before, be like the energiser bunny, have no thought of retirement.

Did you not alter her reality?

Did not my words have full effect?

Has she not become the most energetic member of the group?

For your words shall form your world.

It is time to challenge your reality, to step into my reality, for it shall be unreal.

For all those who receive it, shall be blessed by it.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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