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A restoration of seed.

Not tilling new soil.

Removing the poison from the fruit, from the plant.

For I am doing a new thing with the old thing.

More fruit from that which was cut off.

Full restoration.

More good from that which went bad.

Not off but on.

Not decayed but growing, exploding.

Full restoration.

For if only you could see yourself as I do.

For I long to be in your presence.

For I am with you wherever you are.

For the super will invade the natural.

For it comes forth.

Say unto it come forth.

Say unto it come out.

Say unto it be manifest.

For you feel the wrapping.

For I am so wrapt in you.

For I have bestowed this upon you.

I have bequeathed this unto you.

Just be present with my presence.

For it leaks from your eyes as you see me.

As you feel me.

Express yourself and express me.

For it pours from your pores when you pause.

My presence manifest.

For you are soaking in it.

For in the shaking there is the sprinkling.

A splash here, an overflow there.

A trembling here, and a trembling there.

Just be.

Seriously just be who I have made you to be.

For I have given you to the power to switch off.

For I have given you the power to disempower your opponent.

I can see him having a party at your expense, when all of a sudden, in a moment, at the climax of his performance l, the power goes out.

For he shall have no power.

Robbed of power.

No power except that which you give him.

He goes looking to plug himself back in but cannot see in the dark.

You go looking for the plug, but need no material thing to demonstrate my power, to shine my light.

For it shall be electrifying.

It shall be shocking.

It shall be unexpected.

Imagine a bolt of lighting crackling in the midst of the assembly.

For they shall come and see.

They shall come to experience something powerful.

A new power.

A level up.

A level above.

A whole new experience of me.

Like nothing before.

Like never before.

For all those times you said that is never going to happen, imagine all those things happening at once.

Not a simulation, but a stimulation.

For I am not absent.

For I am starting something new.

For I need no natural source to display my power.

For I need nothing to complete anything.

Can anything be robbed from me?

For you shall overtake and recover all.

For nothing I want for you shall be missing.

Indeed you have no need to go looking for something to discover that which you already have.

It is like you are looking for your glasses but they are already on your head.

For here you have found yourself.

Here you have discovered yourself.

Here you have uncovered yourself.

Be revealed not concealed.

Be on display.

Be upon my mantlepiece.

Displayed for all to see.

In the prized position.

Why so surprised that you are the prize?



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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