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From the place that limited to the place that is without limitation.

The limited edition, the special edition, the one of the select few, the premium edition, the sought after edition.

For so many yearned to be like you.

So many wanted the love that you had.

“Couple goals” they declared.

“We want to have a family like yours”, they said.

“You are so blessed”

Yet they did not know you were so limited.

They did not know the extent of your limitations.

They knew not the pain you endured.

They wanted the “limited” edition but not the limitation that came with it.

It was so interesting to observe their reaction.

They sat there in disbelief, pondering all that you endured on a daily basis.

And then my glory emerged.

My glory peaked from under the covers.

My light shone in their darkness.

The new guy lingered afterwards and said “you should tell this testimony to everyone you know”, and went on to say how he too had been healed some thirty years ago.

But you were so surprised by his next comment “How many times had someone prayed for you to be healed, was it 20 times or 30 times?”

Such a weird question, it took me a few moments to consider the right answer.

I loved your response….

I did not consider it an inferior time, a time of lack, I would not swap it out for anything, because it brought me so much closer to the Lord. It was like I was limping along with my arms wrapped around the Lord as he held me up. It was such a great opportunity to really get to know the Lord.

You mess me up Lord!

Yet now the limited edition is now the unlimited edition, the edition without limitation.

Why are you so surprised you are now heading out beyond the bounds of your experience?

Let’s go out together!

I am taking you out!

Out beyond the limitation, into a whole new experience of wholeness.

You blow my mind Lord!

Yes I am blowing upon your mind.

Do you not feel the clarity returning, the fullness of your experience returning?

For my fullness returns unto you.

My fullness is poured out upon your limitation.

It has been two days where I have got out of bed without pain! Who is this person that now walks in freedom? I find myself walking out of bondage into the place of freedom.

“Come and breathe….”

For I am bringing you out of limitation, out of confinement, and into the land of the promise.

Out of the familiar into the unfamiliar.

Out of the old patterns, out of the old ways, and into the new patterns and the new ways.

For it shall be so unlike it was.

For you are going to love what is coming.

It feels so different now. Each day is better than the day before. How can this be? I feel like you have given me back my hope!

I am giving you back your strength.

I am giving you back your joy!

I am putting everything in reverse.

Each day you will feel younger, each day you will feel stronger, each day you will discover new possibilities.

I can see you riding your bike again.

Now you are messing me up Lord! Yet everything is possible with you Lord.

New patterns.

New beginnings.

New Hope.

New possibilities.

Full restoration.

For you shall be above and not beneath.

You shall be grounded above.

You shall live above.

You shall inhabit the level above.

You shall reside in the place that is above.

You shall possess that which is above.

In the elevated place, in the expanded place, in the birthing place, in the place of multiplication you shall sit.

Rising up over the edge.

Resting upon the edge.

In the place where you will finally be free.

In the place where you shall live in the realm of freedom.

In the place of new choices.

In the place of placement.

For you have outgrown that which contained you.

Over the edge.

Beyond the boundary.

Beyond the limit.

Birthed into the light.

Birthed into the place without limitation.

Leave the whole thing to me for I am bringing you into the place of wholeness.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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