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Well it seems you have spent most of today looking for your limit.

Faster and faster and yet still no-where near it.

What is your point Lord?

What I have for you is unlimited, without limit.

I feel you are holding back.

For you shall not be bound by fear, but bound only by freedom.

I was there when you heard the roar of the engine. In a matter of seconds you where in front of that which hindered your progress.

Yet you felt so restrained, the rush was over in an instant.

For what I have given you is beyond limit, far exceeds all limits.

Yes Lord but I was trying to stay within the limit. I had to break so hard after a matter of moments to return to the limit imposed.

Yet have I imposed such a limit?

Your beloved, even invited you to the race track, so that you might have the full experience, and yet what was your response?

I was afraid Lord! I wasn’t expecting that, how could she have known?

Well who do you imagine may have told her? Are we not in sync? Are we not of one accord?

You forced me to intervene!

You forced my hand.

Yet it ws not you who made me do it, I always had this on my agenda.

You preach the gospel of potential, and yet keep your hand upon my flow. You try with all your might to hold it in. For you don’t want to make a mess.

Yet have I not given you the cup that overflows?

Have I not given you the cup without limit?

“For there is so much more” you complain about and yet it is you that seeks to impose a limit.

Did I not say burst forth, spread out, think big, you will need lots of elbow room for your growing family!

You don’t mind the harvest, but you shy away from your position.

Have I not called you? Have I not appointed you? Have I not chosen you?

Right now you are peering through, you are covering your eyes.

Yet between your fingers what is it you see.

Thousands upon thousands, awaiting my command. Assembled awaiting orders. Shouting the “The sword of the Lord and of Michael”

“The time is now”

“Come and blow on through, we are ready for you”

“Come and blow on through and do only what you can do”

For I have removed your shackles. I have restored your strength. I have prepared you to dominate, to completely destroy the works of the enemy.

“You are giving us new memories”

“You are writing our story with your love”

“Unreserved, unrestrained your love is wild for me”

“Your love is proud to be seen with me”

You look upon yourself and see your failures, your battle scars.

Yet I look upon you as a fearless warrior.

For you were called for such a time as this.

You will look back upon this and see this as a turning point.

A place where the enemy turned back, turned their backs on you.

For you shall be my symbol and source of blessing. It shines brightly for all to see.

The one rejected, the one cast aside, the one ostracised, shall become one who possesses my authority.

Like Joseph rising from obscurity, from the pit, to lead the nation, you shall become.

So I await your proclamation.

Proclaim whatever you will and I shall give it to you. It shall be done for you by my very hand.

This is personal.

This is for all the times the enemy said “this is for your protection, don’t take it personally.”

For this is my breaking point, this is my point of breaking.

You see it now don’t you. The darkness shattered by my glory, an explosion of light in the place of darkness.

Best get moving lest we make a scene!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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