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That which is not desired.

That which you have no desire for.

That which is undesirable.

That which is discarded.

That which you’d rather have no memory of.

That which lies in the pit.

That which you have buried.

That which rests beneath you.

That which has grown roots.

That which you’d rather not face again.

That which was rejected.

In the place of rejection.

In the place of dejection.

In the place of the cast down.

In the place of the cast off.

In the place where you were cast away.

Cast adrift.


Left alone.

Pushed away.


Excluded for “your good”

Excluded for good.

In the place of exile.

In the foreign place.

Pitching a tent in the foreign place.

Wed to a foreigner in a strange land.

Abandoned by all that you once knew.

Abandon and left desolate.

Despondent and cast down.

Placed in the pit of bondage.

Sold into slavery.

Now a slave to love.

Now wed to love.

Now married to love.

Now joined with love.

Now embraced by love.

Now held in the chains of my love.

Now bound by love.

Bound for love.

Bound to be loved.

Bound to be set apart.

Apart but not apart from love.

Held by the hand of love.

Embraced by my love.

It was so unkind.

So unlike anything you deserved.

Presented after you abandoned all desire.

Manifest in the unexpected place.

In the place where you had kept yourself.

My love showed up to break the bonds of your captivity.

My love unbuttoned all that covered you.

My love desired you.

My love had need of you Mephiboseth.

For you shall walk again.

For you shall sit at my table again.

For you shall occupy the place long forsaken.

For the prohibited place shall become your domain.

You shall occupy and take up residence in the prohibited place.

In the abandoned house. In the condemned palace. In the derelict place. In the ugly place. In the discarded place.

For your very presence was prohibited at this table.

Yet it shall be reversed.

For I am reversing the judgement against you. I am giving you a full pardon.

In the place where they said with great offence “I beg your pardon”.

In the place where you were made to feel that you spoke a word out of turn.

Your word will be the only word that matters. Your words will have impact.

They will say unto “I was so lost until I found you!”

For the rejected and the downcast, shall find their lost kingdom.

In the place of domination they shall come under your dominion.

The the place of abject unkindness, they shall be accepted, they shall find their kind, they shall find kindness they have never experienced before.

Can you feel the shift?

Can you see the ice melt.

Can you see the growth sprouting forth?

For the winter is long over, what was is gone, and the manifestation of that which is to come rises as you approach.

For all you need to do is approach.

All you need do is arrive.

For I shall proclaim your entry.

You shall have my endorsement.

Anyone can rule those who are naturally subject. But I have called you to rule the recalcitrant, the unlearned, the know it alls, the rebels, the high and mighty, the outcasts, the powerful ones, the unruly ones, the annoying ones, the least desirable to themselves, the most desired by the fawning game players.

For when the one I desire walks into the room, everything changes.

What is it you see now?

Walking into the dark and gloomy, giant derelict mansion. As I walked in I placed my hand on the broken light switch and the power was restored. The cracked and broken walls were rebuilt in an instant. The broken render, remoulded and reshaped to better that new. Then as I walked through the house, the finest furniture was placed before me in every room.

For your latter glory shall far exceed your former glory.

The rejected one, shall be the ruler, shall bring with him all that I desire.

Of a different kind.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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