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For that which was foretold shall now be fourfold.

That which was untold shall now be unfolded.

For it unfurls before you.

For that which was laid up shall now be laid down.

For that which was laid up for you shall now be laid down before you.

For it descends upon you now.

For it shall descend upon your descendants.

At first the imprint.

Then the impact.

For it cracks up before you.

It breaks open before you.

For that which was foretold shall now be at the forefront.

For in the day of the former.

In the day of formation.

In the day of the forming.

In the day of the building.

In the day of reformation.

In the day of the reforming.

In the day where the new becomes old and the day where the old becomes new.

In the day of reformation.

In the day of restoration.

In the day of revelation.

In the day of escalation.

In the day of excavation.

In the day where that which was beneath rises.

In the day of the sprouting forth.

In the day of the bursting forth.

In the day of breaking out.

In the day of the breaking free.

In the place of habitation.

In the day of the trembling.

For now you know why.

For now you know why.

For now you know why you are the breaker of chains.

For you will set the captives free.

For who can keep freedom captive?

Only the one who is convinced he is captive.

For now you know why.

For now you know why.

For now you know why.

For he sort to restrain you, to retrain you, to highlight every limitation, and like a chain convince you your only choice was to stay in hiding.

But I have broken you out.

And the chains lie broken at your feet.

”There is a breaking out, revivals here!”

For your enemy is so scared of you. The shaking you feel is from his knocking knees.

The power you feel is just me flicking the switch.

For that which was foretold now unfolds.

That which was taken from you now returns to you.

Repeat after me and say “The eagle has landed.”

Say it louder, proclaim it from the rooftops “THE EAGLE HAS LANDED!”

For you know what I am talking about!

Yes Lord you have taken me back!

In the former days I showed you a vision of a huge eagle flying down and picking up a caterpillar eating a leaf on a giant tree. As it landed on the tree it took the branch up in its beak and as it rose it took the whole land with it.

Yes Lord I remember.

And now it returns to you.

And now it descends on you.

And now it dawns on you.

And now that which was laid up for you shall now be laid out for you.

And now what do you see?

An imprint of a net upon the ground. Then trenches in the ground like irrigation.
Then I saw up the sky a giant eagle holding the land bundled up in a net in its beak.
Then it landed on the marked soil and unfurled precisely in the right spot.
As it unfurled I saw flowers forming and blooming from even the net itself. I saw one thing meshing with another, disparate parts coming together, forming together like this was always the intended path.

For that which was laid up for you shall now be laid out for you.

For I have lined all this up from the beginning. One broken piece connecting with another, coming into the place of wholeness.

For this is the land of the promise, this is the release of the promise.

For it descends upon you.

For it descends upon your descendants.

For it falls upon you like the rain.

For all shall see this is the work of my hands.

For you speak of the former days like they were your greatest days.

Yet what was formed in the former days now bears fruit.

For you have sown so much seed, it is now time to see an abundant harvest.

For the farmer sows yet it is I that produces the harvest.

Any day now when you wake up I will reveal it to you.

For now it springs forth, do you not perceive it, will you not give heed to it? Will you not expect me to do it?



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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