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A new norm.

A new form.

A new formation.

A reforming.

A platforming.

A new building.

A new framework.

A new process.

An interweaving.

A reconnecting in the place of the disconnecting.

New connections.


This goes with that.

That goes with this.

Transforming, reforming, not conforming but restoring.

The platform of the promise.

The uprising, the rising up, the uplifting, the lifting up, in the place of elevation.

Making a splash.

Making a splash in the unexpected place.

Making a splash on paper.

You see it now, the drop falling onto the page with such impact.

The edges of the splash become the edges of the page. An embedded image.

A unique image.

The edge and the flow are one.

Like a blossoming flower, the splash embedded on the page.

The words on the page like the drops of the flow.

The words of transformation, bringing forth transformation, defined by the output of the word.

The words forming the worlds, the words transforming and reforming.

Entering in one way, and coming out in many.

Defined by the edge.

Calling to the one who hears "come up higher".

For the impact of the words is to lift up.

A manifest uplifting.

A transforming, a reforming, an establishing, a building, a taking shape, a defining moment, a moment of definition, a redefining.

In the presence of.

In the absence of.

In the presence of wholeness.

In the absence of limitation.

A defining moment.

A redefining moment.

What would you be if you could be all that you could be?

The same but different.

Precisely, concisely, expansively, profoundly, abjectly, manifestly.

For now you are able.

Be without restraint, without constraint.

A new shape.

A reshaping of what was.

A repacking.

A new wrapping.

A golden thread.

A new thread.

A pulling together.

Seamless, without seems, a drawing together of all the threads, a coming together of the pieces, a gathering of all that was, and is, and is to come.

A manifestation of the edge.

The word of the flow and the word of the edge, the flowing edge, the edge of overflow.

Without limitation.

Increasing impact.

For my words shall have impact.

Your words shall impact a generation.

The revelation of the one.

The reforming of the two.

The reformed transformation, the renewed restoration.

The old blessing the new.

The new blessing the old.

A Picture of an old man wearing new trendy clothes.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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