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“Well that was unexpected”

Un expect.

What were you expecting?

You expect the old, the battle, the angst, all too familiar paths for you.

Yet what I have for you is unexpected!

Surprising, but not unplanned, not unaware, not inconsistent with who I am, or who you are, or what I’ve planned.

I want you to un expect.

Not expect pain.

Not expect war, for victory is already here.

You sat there, it took so much effort for you you just sit at the table of the enemy, you could cut the air of tension with a knife.

Yet what happened in the midst, as you struggled to keep your composure, for you wanted to compose an anthem of war, to explode in rage?

The flow of your presence, in the midst, the table awash with with your presence, the overflow all over my laptop, it was unexpected.

Did I not say I would have words with them?

Did I not say take up your position, for you will not have to fight this battle?

Did I not put my words on the lips of your beloved, did she not arise with my authority and silence the roar of the enemy?

Did not your beloved son, just ooze my presence, just change the climate, just permeate the atmosphere, bring calm to the storm?

Was this not a great spectacle of my love, my power and my purpose?

And yet when things got out of hand, was it not your heart, your words, your declaration that brought unity, brought a calm, brought them back on track?

Was this not a demonstration of my outpouring, my flow, my power, my presence, the power of my presence?

Your comment “God only knows” was such a laugh, I was cracking up, especially your emphasis that ONLY I know!

When you reflect back on this moment, what is it you see?

The power of your presence, the blessing of unity, the strength of unity, the love of my beloved, the immense power you have given her to bring breakthrough!

For I have staked my claim, I have made my claim. What does this look like? What is it you see?

A pole of iron, stronger than steel, planted in the ground, when the storm rages against it, it is immovable, it cannot be moved.

Look again, what is it you see?

Planted a long time ago, in the depths of the ground, with great force, with great power, with a great height, in anticipation of what was to come.

Look again, what is it that you see now?

The tip of the rod, the pinnacle, peaking out from the mighty waves that lap all around it. Then zooming out, the great depths of the ocean, the vastness of the ocean, al, around as far as the eye can see.

You have seen well, for this is my expectation, this is my claim, this is your expectation, this is your claim, this is your future.

Vast capacity, vast supply, vast wealth of the deep, the riches of the deep, yet solid and immovable despite what breaks upon you, for I have placed you in the place of breaking, the means of breaking, the instrument of breakthrough.

Isaiah 60:1-11 ARISE from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you—rise to a new life! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and dense darkness all peoples, but the Lord shall arise upon you, and His glory shall be seen on you. And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Lift up your eyes round about you and see! They all gather themselves together, they come to you. Your sons shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be carried and nursed in the arms. Then you shall see and be radiant, and your heart shall thrill and tremble with joy at the glorious deliverance and be enlarged; because the abundant wealth of the Sea shall be turned to you, unto you shall the nations come with their treasures. A multitude of camels from the eastern trading tribes shall cover you, the young camels of Midian and Ephah; all the men from Sheba who once came to trade shall come, bringing gold and frankincense and proclaiming the praises of the Lord. All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered to you as the eastern pastoral tribes join the trading tribes, the rams of Nebaioth shall minister to you; they shall come up with acceptance on My altar, and My glorious house I will glorify. Who are these who fly like a cloud, and like doves to their windows? Surely the isles and distant coastlands shall wait for and expect Me; and the ships of Tarshish shall come first, to bring your sons from afar, their silver and gold with them, for the name of the Lord your God, for the Holy One of Israel, because He has beautified and glorified you. Foreigners shall build up your walls, and their kings shall minister to you; for in My wrath I smote you, but in My favor, pleasure, and goodwill I have had mercy, love, and pity for you. And your gates shall be open continually, they shall not be shut day or night, that men may bring to you the wealth of the nations—and their kings led in procession your voluntary captives.

From insect to iron, the strength that no hostile power can overcome, for you refuse to deviate from the path, you hold fast to that which is true, for behold I am coming soon, and I am already here.

For what is to come is beyond belief, beyond your unbelief, beyond your capacity to believe, yet I have given you all capacity, all power, the power of my presence.

For you do not walk alone……



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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