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New for old replacement.

Why search for the old, seek out the old, what I am giving you is new.

For you remain attached to the old. The new is unfamiliar to you.

You hold on to the patterns of the old, you return to the old means, the old methods, the old approach, and yet what I am giving you is new.

This is a new experience for you, for I what you to have a new experience.

You baulk at it, you resist it, you justify, you rationalise, you seek to ration, to proportion, to be proportionate, yet what I am giving you is out of all proportion.

Look it up, brand new, you can’t fathom it, you can’t reason with me, is this not my gift?

For the new era, expect a new experience!

For I am breaking the patterns of the old, I tear apart those things that bring you to tears.

You wind yourself up in knots, and yet I have come to set you free. You pull the rope so tight, to take the strain, to limit your experience, you tie yourself up in knots.

Just let go and let God.

These words echo in your ears, and bring just annoyance. And yet these are my words to you.

Take your hand off the rope that binds, expect to be free, expect to be undone by my goodness. Just be undone.

You seek to button yourself up, to tie yourself up, to make yourself presentable, to be acceptable, to be comfortable, to dress appropriately, yet I tell you you are accepted by me!

Yes I accept you, you are accepted by me. When I look at you all I see is my beloved son!

You can be vulnerable with me, you can come to me anytime, in any state, no need to compose yourself, for I am your composer, I am the one who composed you.

No need to find your composure, no need to craft the right tune, to play the right song, to tune to the right channel. Here let me find it for you.

There, you can feel my presence now can’t you, for the circumstance shakes in my presence, my align with my presence.

Step out, be bold, for through you I shall pioneer many new things. I, just getting started. Expect radical transformation.

Yes radical transformation, unexpected transformation, explosive growth, a spectacle, a happening, where something unexpected will happen, and you shall be at the centre of it.

For the word has gone out, I’ve sent out the invitations, you wait and see who is on the list. …

For this is my #metoo movement, for they shall see what I have done and like a tidal wave they will want to be flowing in your direction. They will call you out of the blue and say “you don’t know me for a bar of soap but I heard about what you are doing and would love to be part of it”



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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