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In the place of the flow.

In the place that flows.

In the place of the under flow.

A scaffolding of the flow.

Like a trestle for the vine to grow.

A scaffolding of the flow.

For as you anticipate that which comes last, it shall come first. You expect first the seed, then the root, then the trunk, then the branches, then the leaves, then the fruit.

You see the rain fall upon the leaf and think the flow brings life to that which has already grown.

And as it falls.

And as it falls.

And as it falls upon.

And as it relies upon that which has already grown.

And as it rests upon that which holds it up.

Yet what I am going to do is such a reversal.

For that which comes last shall arrive first.

First the flow.

A conduit of the flow.

Conduits of the flow.

Suspended conduits of the flow.

Branches of the flow.

A formation of my flow.

Resting upon my essence, my substance, held up by me, supported by me.

And yet I cannot contain myself.

You expect that which flows to go in one way and come out another.

Yet my flow shall not be contained.

At first a sprinkler, then a tree that flows. A fountain of the flow.

And then the leaves form on that which flows.

One after another.

Many after the one.

Yet all connected to each other.

For you expect it all to be washed away and yet it is the flow that brings forth all the growth that was deposited in it.

An impregnating of the flow.

Pressed down, shaken together, running over.

For your cup overflows.

For in your cup I have placed my flow, my overflow, that which cannot be contained, that which must break free of containment.

You think first the seed, yet in your flow I have placed my seed.

For I have pressed into the flow, I have placed my seed, upon seed, upon seed into the flow.

For my seed needs nothing to support it, nourish it, bring life to it, stimulate its growth, cause it to reach its full potential.

For I am making something out of nothing.

For that which you think comes last, shall arrive first.

For that which flows shall bear fruit.

A blanket covering.

For I am covering this ground.

Fear not the undercurrent.

For I am under that which you are over.

For I am the basis of that which grows.

All growth comes from my hand.

And I see your flow suspended above the ground below, and then appears the soil, and then comes the sprouting forth of the seed upon which the water flows.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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