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Uncover grace.

Uncover glory.

Uncover kindness.

Uncover joy.

Uncover beauty.

Expose my beauty.

Reveal the glory of my beauty.

First the seeing.

Second the feeling.

Third the touching.

Fourth the embracing.

Fifth the uncovering.

Sixth the revealing.

Seventh the knowing.

Eight the overflowing of the joy.

The outpouring of joy.

The overwhelming joy.

The all encompassing joy.

For in the uncovering I have you covered.

Come closer.

Come into proximity.

Come over the threshold.

Beyond that which is comfortable.

Be uncomfortably close.

Too close.

Right in my face.

Up close and personal.

Beyond the barrier.

Into the place where you lose focus.

Into the place where everything loses definition.

Into the place of the blurring.

You know the old 6inch rule. Such a laugh. Such a personal joke. For your only option is to come close when you are so close. For in the place where you can’t see, you must embrace. In the place where you feel the urge to step back you must step in.

Come right up close.

I won’t shoo you away.

I won’t say I’m not in the mood.

I won’t brush you off.

I’ll invite you in.

I’ll wrap my arms around you and hold you close.

When you feel the urge to step back, I’m awakening your desire, I’m smiling at you, for my desire is towards you, you are welcome to come closer.

For you are safe in my arms.

I have got you covered.

The warm cloak of my love surrounds you, keeps you warm, protects you from all harm.

For it is your destiny to uncover.

Awaken passion.

Awaken desire.

Awaken love.

Awaken intimacy.

Awaken and uncover the unknown.

For I will reveal to you that which I have kept hidden. Uncover that which covers, in order to reveal that which lies underneath.

A special blessing.

An untold blessing.

An unknown blessing that I make known to you.

For my love smiles at you with great delight. Not an enduring smile but an overflow of great delight.

For she is all my delight.

For my delight flows within and bursts forth without.

For I cannot contain myself.

My love overflows in your presence.

My love cannot wait to express herself.

My love gets right in your face.

My love seizes the moment.

My love is not afraid to come close.

My love is enthusiastic.

My love is passionate.

My love is purposeful.

My love cannot hold herself back.

My love is bold.

My love looks you right in the eyes and asks to come closer.

My love is not afraid to express herself.

My love wraps her arms around you and won’t let you go.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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