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A defining moment.

A moment of definition.

Charting that which is uncharted.

Defining that which has no definition.

In the land of the shifting.

In the land of the shifting sand.

In the land without definition.

In the land without boundary, without border, without a map.

A moment of definition.

A defining moment.

Bringing forth definition.

Defining the edge.

Bringing forth the edge.

For the edge shall bring definition.

For the edge defines.

For the edge brings forth definition.

For that which is without limit.

For that which possesses no boundary.

For that which has no limit can only be defined by that which overflows.

For the stream flows in the desert.

For that which has no boundary can only be defined by that which flows.

For it flows upon the edge.

For the flow, flows down the edge.

Washing away that which shifts.

Bringing definition to that which shifts.

Defining the boundary.

Defining the topography.

Bringing forth the definition of the land.

Providing a means to navigate.

Providing a means to inhabit.

Bringing forth a new territory from the land.

For that which overflows defines that which has no meaning.

For how do you draw upon that which is empty?

For my fullness flows upon that which is empty.

My fullness defines that which is empty.

For I am calling forth full restoration.

First the flow.

First the land that flows.

First the stream in the desert.

And behold and behold it flows.

And behold and behold it grows.

All across the land I am calling forth that which was lost. For you can see it now with your own eyes.

The dullness restored to full vibrancy.

The derelict and the condemned restored to fullness.

Like brand new.

A total makeover.

Better than before.

Stronger than before.

Better than new.

Land that grows back to fullness.

Sand to grass.

Dead roots rising to mighty oak trees.

So much diversity.

Blossoming forth.

I am restoring the ancient ruins.

In a moment it forms before you.

Look out for joy.

Embrace joy.

Embrace a lifestyle of joy.

For joy appears like a fountain in the midst.

It flows over the edge.

It cannot be contained.

It breaks open that which contains.

Do not entertain discouragement.

Do not entertain fear.

Do not entertain contention.

Act like you are more than a conqueror.

Act like you have no opposition.

For what unfolds before you is expansive, without limits, without boundary, is only defined by my flow. For my flow defines the way. It brings forth an overflow of fullness in the place of lack.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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