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Sorry for waking you.

For the devil says “in your dreams”.

And yet you find me in your dreams, in your dream.

In the place of the awakening.

In the dream of awakening.

In the palace of the awakening.

In the place of the treasures.

In the house of many treasures.

In the place of the treasured.

In the house of blessing.

In the place that is so treasured.

For everyone that enters leaves with a gift.

Everyone that comes in empty goes out full.

For the one who comes in bearing a burden, leaves without it.

For the one who come in carrying emptiness, leaves with fullness.

For the one carrying that which contains, leaves with a broken container.

The one who is broken leaves restored.

For what I have given you is my most precious treasures.

What you possess is what everyone desires.

What you carry is what they would love to hold.

For we carry this precious treasure in earthen vessels…

For I see you questioning your worth.

I see you wondering “now what?”

I see you wondering how you will be, who you will be, now that your children have left.

For “who is a father, without his children”, I hear you say to yourself.

Yet you shall be a father to the fatherless.

For you shall be a father to this generation.

For you shall lead them out, and they shall follow you.

You question your worth, and then find yourself appointed to lead the leaders out.

You wonder if you said the right thing.

You felt like you have been holding on to the cliff edge by your fingers for so long.

For on edge you have been, and on edge you will become.

For you shall be my edge.

For you shall give them the edge.

And yet, and yet, and yet…

Over the edge is nigh, beyond the edge is near, soaring above is your domain, resting upon the edge is your territory.

For you shall have movement upon the edge, for the expert surfer know where to position himself upon the edge of the wave, for maximum acceleration, for speed of movement, to avoid the crash, to land upon the shore.

So I say unto you “without question!”

When they talk amongst themselves they will say of you “without question”, “without hesitation”.

For they shall see you as their only hope, a beacon of light to show them the way.

And yet what was it I showed you in your dreams?

One moment in a huge warehouse, full of boxes, various products packaged for delivery, awaiting delivery.
The next moment, in a huge cave full of priceless treasures, glistening in the glory of your light.

You think what I have given you is just a product ready for packaging and yet it is really a priceless treasure that carries all my delight.

A treasure sought out by so many.

A treasure once discovered causes a radical transformation in the one who receives it.

For you see it now, you perceive now don’t you?

The glorious treasure I have bestowed upon you.

So many pictures of my glory, so many faces reflecting my glory.

Joy breaking out on the right and on the left. Surrounded by glory. The manifestation of my joy and delight.

The radiance of my glory shone all around.

Bathed in the reflection of my glory, soaking in the depths of my glory.

A house full of my treasures.

And yet I am going just getting started.

This is just a taste of what is to come.

For your beloved broke open a way, for your beloved sets the scene, and then I make a scene, baptised in my love, drenched in my love, overflowing with my love.

Beloved is such the word to describe her, for she is my love, her presence speaks my love, her words prophesy love, her being speaks love.

She makes a way for the king to enter.

She turns any box into a great treasure.

Yet you bring life to it, fire to it, ambiance to it, words to describe it, power to manifest it.

So release joy, manifest radiance, bring warmth, express all my delight.

For you shall bear my light, you shall show them the way to the treasure.

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Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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