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For you have not left a home but simply a cocoon.

You want your beloved to understand, for everyone to understand, to enable you to process and to uncover and to discover.

Like discovery is the endpoint, yet this is not about discovery, this is about manifestation.

Not about discovery but more about revelation.

Why look for the living amongst the dead?

For the tomb was just a resting place for me, a short term stay, a vehicle of transformation, a cocoon from which resurrection came.

I feel so displaced, so replaced, so out of place.

The blossoming transformation stood out to you.

For it was unexpected as you had never seen that before.

In the whirlwind, in the chaos, in the displacement, I had revealed that which was new. A new colour from the old flower.

For in the natural, the normal experience is for the seed to become the flower, to then become a seed again. Like for like, like for like, for the one is replaced by the same species, with the same look and appearance.

Yet you were made for diversity, like for unlike, the same giving birth to that which is different.

I see you trying to fold your wings back under your skin and crawling back to the cocoon.

Yet I am turning your head.

I am opening your eyes.

Why go back to that which was, when that which is to come unfurls before you?

Why return to the known, when the unknown beckons to you and calls out your name?

For I have discovered that the new thing you are doing is me. You present before me an increasingly long list of new options that were never on the list before. I feel like every day there is something new to deal with, something new to explore. I feel like my daughter used to, I don’t want to take a step forward unless I can take a perfectly well executed step. I feel unsteady on my feet like never before. Yet this kind of walking is a whole new experience for me. One week I was heading for surgery, the next week I am a new man. And worst still I feel that you are just getting started with me, that this is just the first of many miracles. I know such a weird way to describe it. Yet I can handle the new being an external process so much more that being an internal one.

What do you see right now?

A vision of me running through the fields with great delight, with boundless energy.

I know how much I have messed you up!

I know that you want to explain to everyone how discomforting this all is to you, and you see the look on their face, the look of disapproval, like they expect you to be grateful for all that I have done.

Yet I know how much I have messed you up!

I know what you are thinking now…

Like I can relate to Bruce Banner, how he has been given the greatest strength, yet because he cannot control it, he wants to retreat into isolation and to never return.

Yet when you observed him, what was it you were feeling?

A sense of great loss, that he had no idea what he was missing out on, and the loss experienced by others as he retreated into the distance.

I’m staging a coming out party for you. For I know with you there is no retreat, no surrender.

For you know I am compelled by love, I could never step back from your love, your beloved.

Yet you cannot put a lid on your passion, try as you might, try with all your might.

Yet now try it with all MY might.

For when I came out.

For when I arose from the grave.

I didn’t cause a scene.

Only those who came looking for me, discovered who I really was.

For they expected to find me hidden, buried, in a state of decay.

But they found an open tomb, without the stench of rotting flesh.

When they went to find me, they smelt nothing and they saw nothing but grave clothes.

And then I appeared unto them.

And then I was without limit.

And then I was uncontained.

You know what happens next for you?

Yes Lord. The lifting up, the standing upon the rock, that which is immovable, the steadying of the steps, the establishment of path, the building of community.

For this season will be so different from the past seasons.

From the place of the slip, to the place of the grip.

From the place without a path, to the established path.

From the unsteady place to the place of strength.

For what is the established path?

Not a dirt track, but a paved way, a secure path, a solid well defined path. A place with a destination, a path that leads from the slippery place to the place of progress.

More and more, more and more, more multiplied, multiples of more.

Alongside new strength, I will give you new directions, new confidence, new boldness, confidence, exuberance to go with your expansion.

For you know how Bruce’s story ended…

He became a much bigger version of himself, full of joy and confidence.

I see you like a baby just taking your first steps.

In my mind I am frustrated that I can’t walk properly yet.

Yet what do you remember now?

The first time I ran really fast, and the joy and delight of the wind in my hair.

For I am returning that joy unto you.

From disabled to enabled.

From on the downward path, to the elevated path.

From the downcast and the outcast, to the chosen one, the royal ruler, the deliverer.

For you can be confident in this, I am holding your hand, I am giving you divine strength that no hostile power can overcome.

Act as one without limit.

Act as one who has been resurrected.

Act as one who has overcome the impossible.

Act as one who possesses all my strength.

For my strength has been made perfect in your weakness.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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