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For it is time to come out of your shell.

For I am breaking that which contained you.

For you have outgrown it.

For you flex your muscles and the shell breaks around you.

For you have grown so big, too big.

What once fit you is now too small for you.

For I cannot contain myself.

For you shall not be contained.

For on the other side your will find new purpose, a new purpose.

For the egg contains that which can be consumed, but the shell is really designed to carry something that will be too big for it.

Designed to incubate not contain.

For the appointed time of the makeover is here. The coming together to become my eagle of fire. Wings of fire, eyes set alight with my insight. The power to kill the dragon.

Rest your talons upon the eggs and see them crack open. Multiplied multiples.

For the eaglets need to be fed before they can fly. Give them the food I have given you, for the time will come when they can fly.

Yet the caterpillar consumes until it is full, constructs an “egg” to contain itself, and when the time is right breaks open a way to fly.

It is self contained. Rebirthed to break free from containment, to release multiplication to carry the means of reproduction.

One is transformed.

The other is contained.

One is rebirthed.

The other is birthed.

One displays the magnificent beauty of colour and floats with the wind.

The other displays my strength and power and rises above the storm.

One brings forth my glory.

One announces my power and might, my strength and dominion.

One floats on the wind.

The other is not deterred by that which comes against it, but uses it to rise above, to take the higher ground.

One partakes of what is delivered.

The other consumes the predator, one stands in the way of that which so many fear.

One delivers.

The other removes that which would consume.

One gently caresses that which is open to receive it.

The other prevents the attack by removing it from the battle.

One breaks free from the hard container.

The other pushes through the shelter it made for itself.

Both operate in freedom and without boundary but serve a different purpose.

One possesses supernatural strength.

One represents supernatural transformation.

When you look upon yourself what is it I have shown you?

I see a huge butterfly wing with the strength of an eagle.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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