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Top Shelf
Why put up with it?
Just put it up!
For I am with you.
Lift it up.
Put it up.
Present it for the uplift.
Just say unto it “going up”
Just prophesy to it and say “going up”
Speak increase.
Draw the line.
Yes just draw a line that is directed upwards.
Prophesy growth, declare growth.
Say unto the seed, be fruitful and multiply.
Give no heed to the type of soil.
For how does the seed grow in the desert?
Where does the green grass come from?
By what means does the seed grow?
For you will sow what you have reaped.
For you will reap that which you have sown.
For it is I that gives seed to the sower.
Who can contain my seed?
For even the seed of man cannot grow anything unless it leaves that which contains it.
Does not birth come from an act of receiving?
First the seed is given, then it is received.
For it moves from that which contains it, to that which receives it.
It multiplies in the womb of darkness, yet it grows to maturity in the light of the day.
The one who receives it, must give birth to it.
For growth comes from release.
Release the seed and watch it grow.
For the time of your confinement is over.
From the place of endurance, from the place you cannot bear, to the place of the bearing, the place of the birthing, the place of release, the place of growth, the place of expansion, the place of the stretch, the place of the crying, the place of joy, and outpouring of joy, the place of great delight, the place where you will delight in my greatness, where you will look upon that which you have birthed with great delight.
For my delight smiles upon you.
For this is the work of my hands. My handiwork on display.
For that which is conceived in the dark, under cover, hidden from view, walks around now in the light.
For that which was hidden is now manifest.
For they shall know from whence it came.
For that which was sown with such joy and delight, which was held up in front of experts and declared to be perfect, now smiles back at you.
From container, to womb, to birth, to maturity.
For this was no ordinary birth.
Conceived in the vehicle of intense multiplication. Conceived amongst many. Conceived in the presence of many, now birthed in the presence of many.
Held in high esteem, held with the highest regard.
For I want you to obtain a new perspective.
From the place of the bearing, from the place where you could bear no more, from the place of near death, to the place where you were so near to death. You see the absolute greyness of her face even now, as you held her hand, day after day, night after night. It was more than you could bear. It was more than she could bear.
Yet from the place of near death, life burst forth, more than you expected, so much more than you expected, a handful, actually two hands full.
Yet I am not finished yet.
Once upon a time you both gave birth to multiples. End of story, that’s where you want to leave it. Like it was a crowning achievement, and you are happy to leave it there.
Yet multiplication is a gift I have given to you.
You laboured so tirelessly over the single, and yet to no avail. Yet why so surprised I have only left you with the one synonymous with growth?
Yet now is the the time of the many. Not one but the many. You want to put up with the one, but rather put up the one and receive the many.
For this is not the time of the one, but the time of the times.
Expect more, ask me for more, more times more, more multiplied, for from the one seed shall come the many seeds. Exponential growth, growth to the power of, growth from the power of.
From the unbearable to the one who bears all, for I have made you to be the mighty one, the one who possesses all strength, the one who possesses my warmth, the one upon whom I have placed my glory.
For it shall be glorious.
The time of release has come, the time of birthing has come, the time of abundance has come, the time of great fruitfulness has come.
For what is the sound you hear?
The sound of crying babies, being attended to by their mothers, under the influence of their father.
For today this day I will manifest my glory like never before, you feel it in your hands right now. For I have placed my power in your hands.