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Tongues of Fire

Open up the gates

Open up the floodgates.

For it flows across the land.

Across the whole land.

New resources.

Like a wave crashing across the land.

Not to destroy or demolish.

Not to destroy or clear away.

For the land is clear.

Not barren but awaiting growth.

Ready for my seed.

For it comes from afar.

From a foreign land.

For it shall be out of place.

For it comes from afar.

Imported from afar.

For they shall ask of you “where did this come from?”

A foreign plant from a foreign land.

For the barren soil awaits the quickening of my seed.

Rivers upon rivers.

Rivulets in the desert.

Each with its own colours.

For I am pouring out my promise.

For it bursts forth from the pores of the sand.

Sprouting forth from the ground.

For you shall see the seed growing, bursting forth across the land.

And amidst it all the flow remains.

A valley of tranquility. A place of peace.

Blooms of colour.

Great diversity, a land of many colours.

Bursts of colour.

Bursts of growth.

Disproportionate growth.

Growth from the least fertile soil.

An abundance from the womb of lack, from the barren womb.

Descendants, ascendants.

Descendants that shall ascend.

Multiplied growth.

The growth of multiples.

From the heights.

From the depths.

From an unknown place.

From the barren place.

From the desolate place.

For the wealth of the Dead Sea shall be yours.

From the place of no produce, shall come an abundance of production.

From the least shall come the most.

From the least likely.

From the hidden place.

From the place of hiding, I shall give the devil a hiding.

From the one who calls himself the least, shall come the most.

For the one shall be as many.

The one shall become the many.

The one shall dominate the many.

The one who casts down shall not be cast down.

The one who lays down his seed, shall reap my seed.

The one who sows in the famine, in the drought shall reap my harvest.

For it is an untold story, that shall be told.

You are taken aback by my word.

For my word shall be your word.

Your words shall have the impact of my words.

Tell them like it is. Tell them like it shall be.

For it shall be as you say it.

Describe it for them, and I’ll make them do it.

For you speak with my authority.

You poured over those words of mine, yet I am pouring over your words, your thoughts, your desires.

For you did not know how to respond.

For it felt like a man made explosion of words, that had no substance, noise multiplying noise, with fervent intent but no endorsement from me.

Yet afterwards.

Yet afterwards.

And afterwards.

And after this moment.

A new moment.

A new movement.

A fresh outpouring.

The manifestation of that which I have manifest.

For you shall decide a thing.

For you shall decree a thing.

And afterwards.

And afterwards.

In the moment afterwards.

It will be like I have spoken.

A new likeness will break out.

A new person shall come out.

Unlike the previously likeness.

Never seen before.

For you see it unlike anyone else.

For I will direct their attention to you.

I will open their ears to you.

I will incline their ear unto you.

It will be like a person dying of thirst, about to pass out from their lack, and your words will be like a refreshing stream lapped up by their tongue.

They will start speaking like you.

They will start walking like you.

They will start moving like you.

And when the fire comes.

And when the fire comes.

They will laugh with my delight.

An exceptional moment.

An exceptional movement.

Not the one but the two.

Not the one thing but the many.

For my word has gone out.

For they shall say “my word.”

They shall exclaim “my word!”

They shall proclaim my word!

Why so shocked that this has happened?

Did you not declare this will be a happening place!

A place where one shall turn to another and say “did you see what happened?”

For this time will be unlike any other time.

This will be the time of the times.

Fun times.

Glorious times.

Wonderful times.

Miraculous times.

For you shall be a man of many words.

Many outcomes.

Many times many.

Like one but many.

Like Legion, for we are one but are more than many.

For you see my fire.

For you feel my fire.

For I intend to light up the enemies camp.

For it burns within you.

For it burns upon you.

Yet without fear of retribution.

Yet your enemy shall fear my retribution.

For your opponent shall live in the place of fear, the place of restlessness, the desolate place, the lonely place, the place of dryness.

For you shall be the dominant one, the royal one, the one who has the last word.

For you shall overcome the multitude as one man.

For I have given you the the strength of Samson and the sight of Elisha.

It is time to surround your enemy and take him out.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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