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To Flight

For you shall cause a disturbance.

For you shall bring forth movement.

For you shall cause them to shift their position.

For you shall arrive and push them to go.

For you shall come and cause them to go.

They won’t be able to stand where they are.

They shall feel the great gust of my spirit when you enter.

They will say to themselves “Who opened the door?”

They will say to themselves “who left the door open?”

For my wind blew it open.

For my wind caused them to move.

John 3:8
The wind blows (breathes) where it wills; and though you hear its sound, yet you neither know where it comes from nor where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.

For some will baton down the hatches and say “a storm is coming”

Yet I will cause them to move with it.

For what do you do when the storm first arrives. You say to yourself “I’ll wait until it’s over”. But when the flood waters rise you have make a choice whether to stay and be overwhelmed or move to higher ground.

But what is the stance of the eagle?

He rises above the storm.

For nothing ruffles his feathers.

He looks upon the storm as a means to rise higher, to fly further, to reach a far away destination, to go beyond his usual territory.

For he stands upon the highest place.

He has no fear of the heights or what lies beneath.

For in the elevated place that which moves fast beneath, seems to move much slower.

Yet when he swoops in a whirlwind and grabs his prey, it is all over in a blink of an eye.

When he is above it all.

When he is above it all.

When he sits in the elevated place.

There is great calm.

For there is calm in the elevated place.

Adopt an elevated position.

Rest your feet upon the edge.

For I have given you oversight.

When you descend into the lowly place it is only to receive that which the lowly possess.

Yet it is only for a moment. It is only for a moment. It is only for a specific purpose. And then to rise again.

Adopt an elevated position. Inhabit the high place. For there is no need to take the high ground when I have given you the highest place.

For when you land upon.

For when you rest upon.

For when you descend it is only for a moment to then rise again.

For the eagle does not live in the lowly place he lives and possesses the highest place.

For when you land it is for a purpose to push the ground dwellers forward.

For when the wind comes it causes a disturbance. It causes movement. Yet it causes the eagles to fly.

For one shall send a thousand to flight but two shall cause ten thousand to flight.

For movement is coming a great movement is coming, I am stirring up a great movement.

For I have given you great strength. For you are no butterfly but an eagle.

For nothing shall ruffle your feathers.

For your talons are strong.

Designed to make you rise when the storm comes.

For what disturbs the natural man will not disturb you.

Bring forth an uprising.

Cause a disturbance.

For with great strength you shall arrive and with greater strength and impact shall you leave.

For the one who has wings does not consult with the walker how to move.

Yet he encourages the one with wings to fly, to move to greater heights.

Job 39:27-28
Does the eagle mount up at your command and make his nest on [a] high [inaccessible place]?
On the cliff he dwells and remains securely, upon the point of the rock and the stronghold.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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