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At the threshold.

On the brink.

Upon the step.

Upon the edge.

At the tipping point.

At the point of threshing.

At the threshing point.

Building to a point.

Building a crescendo.

Riding the wave.

At the point of the breaking.

At the crest of the wave.

At the point of fullness.

At the place that overwhelms.

At the point of the crashing.

At the edge of the flow.

At the point of the shore.

You are at the point of the crashing because you are so close to the shore.

For the place of calm is on the other side of the breaking point.

For you have felt it before.

Pummelled by the breakers until you step forward.

For when you time it right.

For when your time is right.

You turn your back upon that which crashes against you.

You hold your breath and close your eyes.

You kick against that which come against you.

For that which come against you only serves to push you forward, to accelerate your progress.

For momentum comes at the point of breaking.

For that which crashes against only serves to take you to the shore.

For all look in wonder from the shore at the wave that crashes, the bigger the more majestic, they say.

Yet few are brave enough to wade in towards that which possesses such power.

Yet to experience the fullness, the power, the speed, the flow of such fullness is the domain of the few.

Yet even the mightiest of waves cannot contain my fullness.

For the crashing of the wave is just what happens when the limit of fullness is reached.

I feel like I am crashing myself Lord, for I am at the limit of what I can handle.

For it pours from your pores when you pause!

When you try to hold me in, it feels like crashing.

When you release yourself, release your grip, it feels soothing, calming, a natural thing, a moment of refreshing.

I am caught between the waves that oppose, and the certainty of the shore.

It is time to come into the shore.

It is time to turn your back upon that which opposes you.

You feel like it is a retreat from the deep, a retreat from all that you have known, a moment of surrender, a moment of great loss, a turning point, an abandonment of all that you have been fighting for.

Yet it is not as it seems.

For up from the depths I arose with a mighty triumph over my foes.

For this season is not about a retreat from the depths.

It is about bringing the depths and richness of your experience to the dryness of the shore.

For you feel like you are gasping for air between the crashing waves, but soon you will be pouring out from my fullness upon the shore of the lack.

For what does the threshold signify?

A designated limit, or a crossing over point where the newly married husband carries his wife into their new home.

Look it up!

a strip of wood or stone forming the bottom of a doorway and crossed in entering a house or room.
a point of entry or beginning.
the magnitude or intensity that must be exceeded for a certain reaction, phenomenon, result, or condition to occur or be manifested.
the maximum level of radiation or a concentration of a substance considered to be acceptable or safe.
the level at which one starts to feel or react to something.
a level, rate, or amount at which something comes into effect.

I am stirring you up!

My whole body shakes in your presence. For I have reached the threshold. Try as I might, with all my might I cannot contain myself. I feel an overflow within and without.

For this is the wrestling for the blessing.

For it is from the wrung out sponge that the overflow comes.

Yet this makes no sense to me Lord.

For out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water.

For my flow is not natural.

My goodness is beyond your capacity to contain.

Lord let your goodness flow today, let your abundance flow, let your peace flow, let your refreshing flow, let your glory be revealed, let this contention cease, bring us to the shore of your promised land, lead us forth, guide us forth, bring forth your refreshing streams in the desert, from this day forward let your light shine upon the path ahead, bring forth clarity, renewed strength, passion for your purpose, traction in the slippery place, steadfastness to our steps, a new voice of authority, show off your glory show yourself at our right hand this day. Utterly destroy the works of the evil one, for I smell the smoke of the ashes of his desolate camp in my nostrils this day. For you have crafted this door and we step today across your threshold to all that you have for us on the other side.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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