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This Way

This Way!

For this is the established path.

This is the path I have established.

The path of the broken.

Jeremiah 23:29 Is not My word like fire [that consumes all that cannot endure the test]? says the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks in pieces the rock [of most stubborn resistance]? (PS)

The broken path.

The path of the broken pieces.

The path of broken peace.

Now the path of peace.

For the rain falls upon my path.

The light rain.

The mist in the midst.

For my path is never washed away.

Illuminated on the edge.

Shining so brightly upon the edge.

For my glory shines upon the edge.

Next to the path lies my still waters.

The waters are clear and without any living creature.

Then in a moment what is it you see?

An abundance of fish.

Ask yourself “From whence did this come?”

For you know who has delivered you.

Am I not your source?

Am I not your provider?

What is it you hold in your hands?

Why hold on to the buckets of containment when my flow rests in your hands?

For what is it that brings forth growth?

Is it the soil? Desert or fertile?

Is it the seed? Absent or present?

No it is your hand upon it.

See it grow by your hand.

The desert sand becomes fertile.

The soil without seed shall produce my abundance.

Do you think I need anything to bring forth my abundance?

Who do you think created the seed?

From the nothing comes my something.

I don’t need anything to get started.

Before you get started I’m at the finish line.

Before you move I have already moved.

Am I not orchestrating your movement?

Whose plan is this?

Don’t worry I know what I am doing and this was always part of my plan.

For I know the way you go.

For I have determined the path that you shall take.

You worry about what you have left. Yet you must remember that I need nothing to bring forth my abundance.

I am just waiting for you to ask me for it!

For I have already established it.

For I determine where each raindrop falls.

For this is the point of the tipping.

Your tipping point.

Invade. Mount an invasion.

Now is the time to take this land.

Take heed to what it is that you stand upon.

For you shall need the right footwear.

You want to say “let’s cross over at dawn” but this is what I say.

“This is a public crossing”

For you shall cross over in broad daylight.

You shall stand out in the crowd.

In the brightest of lights you shall be clearly defined.

Your edge shall be seen.

For I see you throwing out the broken pieces over the stream, for you see no way to cross.

Yet what is you see?

On the brink a great uplift! You build a bridge over the raging torrent Then I see my hands trying to smooth the edges. The a dissolving of all that is between.

Yes I am dissolving all that stands between.

For you need no bridge in order to cross over.

Now what is it you see?

Your finger writing upon the flow…


For you need not given heed to what you shall walk upon.

Have I not ordered your steps!

Nevertheless at your word, upon the ground of your word I come.

For I command a blessing, you need to agree with it and walk in it.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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