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The Way Forward

Who knew?

What is it to "know?"

How do you define that which is "known?"

On what basis do you define intelligence?

Is it making the "right" decisions?

Is it stating that which yet to be revealed?

Is it challenging the status quo?

To whom will you give credibility?

How will you determine who to follow?

Who will provide you the source material?

From which ocean shall you drink from?

For so many it is all about "trial and error". For you know not to drink of the water from which another did and then died.

For man presents his compiled knowledge and makes decisions on this foundation.

But it is not so for you.

Upon which framework did you decide to come here?

What business advisor did you speak to, before pivoting your business?

Who will you consult about a future that is unlike anything that has gone before?

What is the difference between a projected forecast and a prophetic declaration?

One attempts to predict what is to come based on what has gone before, the other taps into a divine source and unfurls that which has been revealed.

And what is it you see now?

An unfurling of an ancient treasure map, drawn thousands of years ago, and yet now revealed for the first time. For surely you declare the end from the beginning.

And yet I see the look on your face...

I see you questioning yourself, I see you looking to the opinions of another for direction, for you think you don't know the detail, only the "big picture" from me.

And yet what was the most profound article you have read in the last year?

The one about the hybrid workplace and how brainstorming remotely using surveys and AI can deliver greater innovation that we have ever seen before.

And what did you want to say?

I have been doing this for over twenty years, and could have written that article, and should have edited the article to add that innovation requires a culture of boldness, and trusted authentic relationships, to truly thrive.

And what stopped you from commenting?

Before I answer I sense that you have something more to say.

You view your history as a chronicle of failures, the worst of which was how all that mattered to you, all that you had build was taken away "through the creative" removal of all that you were. For you have become an affront to them, an offence to them, an obstacle to their evil plans.

And now the worst part, you actually have come to agree with their lies, and you withdrew yourself to "lo debar" to the rejected place, to the hidden place, to another world, to the place of exile, to the desolate place, to the place without habitation, to the place that is "away". For you have marked yourself "away" and "out of the office".

You consider yourself as being in exile, and if you ever return you will once again face your oppressor.

And yet.

And yet.

And yet.

In what way were you defeated? Even at the time of your release, they marvelled that you already new what they were going to do, and took from them all that was material that they had given you. And afterwards you laughed at their offer to give you what you had built for them, as though it was such a benevolent gesture, but it really demonstrated their ignorance of the gift they had been given.

For you know what I am reminding you of now...

My "surrender" to them and to their process, was like your surrender to Pilate. For your authority was in no way diminished when they came to take you away. And they fell at your feet, and I can see you helping them to "take" you away.

For indeed my "surrender" to them was really them aligning with my "plan".

Yet I did not stay in their "pit of hell", in fact their invitation to me, was in fact their invitation to their own defeat.

I needed no-one to pull me out of the pit.

I made my own way out.

I needed no-one to rescue me.

Just like Moses I am calling you back to the place of authority, I am giving you my authority, I am executing my plan.

For the one who was outcast.

The one who was cast out.

Indeed the one who cast himself out.

The least likely.

The forgotten one.

The hidden one.

The departed one.

Is now the chosen one, the one who shall be remembered, the exposed one, the returning one.

The one whose voice was taken away, the one who could no longer speak to the ones he had authority over, the one placed on the sidelines, will now become the main event.

They will say unto themselves "who knew"

And yet.

And yet.

And yet.

You know so much more than them, for your muddied feet declare the path from which you have come.

For who has taken the path you have?

And now speak to me about your hesitation?

I can see how I have walked through the mud, and it is like my eyes have been covered in the mud, and the raging waters have splashed against me, wave after wave. And now I can see all that you have taken us through is for a much greater purpose. The pioneering hybrid innovator and AI authority, walking with the most adaptable, empowering, creative, people friendly human, is the perfect coupling, the antidote to all the poisons of this world.
And yet we must look at ourselves differently, for the vision of the future is a picture of the unique path you have taken us on. We need to have an "out of body" experience and articulate our journey and our capability from the perspective of the future that lies ahead not the past that lay before.

It is like the butterfly flying over that which was, and seeing that all the crawling around was just a rehearsal for what is now the main event.

Lord so us how to articulate the benefits of all that we know, to describe our story in a way that shows the way for all those stepping into what is an unknown for them. Take away all the pain of the experience, and help us to describe our learnings, and who we are, and how we got here. Give us the words to describe all that you have done.

I want you to write another book called "The Way Forward", give them the take aways, give them the keys, show them the path, for it shall be as you describe.

For I have given the ones without a voice, my words to say, my words to speak, and the platform upon which to declare it.

Don't hold back, you won't be embarrassed, and you will forget all the humiliations of your youth.

Through you two I will make my point, I will establish a new way.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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