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The Unboxing

The Unboxing

And it unfolds before you

And it unfolds before your very eyes.

The untold unfolding.

The untold now unfolding.

The great unboxing.

Out of the box.

Right side up.

The unfolding.

The lifting up.

The teetering on the edge.

The teetering on the hinge.

It all hinges upon this.

The point of leverage.

The point of elevation.

The point of friction.

The point of folding.

The point of unfolding.

The lifting of that which was face down.

The lifting up of the face.

The lifting of the prostrate.

For I have heard your cry.

For I have heard your cry.

I have seen your state.

For here you have found yourself.

For he you shall find yourself.




Out of the box.

From the place of limitation.

The untold now unfolding.

The abandoning of the darkness.

The coming out into the light.

The bursting forth of the light.

Open the light box.



Out of the box.

Now without boundary.


The unravelling of the cords of containment.

The unwrapping of the present.

The unveiling of the present.

The revelation of my present.

My presence unveiled.

My present unveiled.

The release of greatness.

The great unwrapping.

It takes two to unbox this one.

Two to unbox the one.

Place the right side up.

Remove the panel.

Lift up the contents.

Take off the packaging.

For the untold, shall now be told.

That which I have hidden shall now be revealed.

The unpacking.

The unpacking.

It is time to unpack.

It is time to settle in.

It is time to release the burden.

For you shall be unburdened.

The lifting of the load from your shoulders.

The great unboxing.

Out of the box thinking.

Out of the box moving.

Move out of the box.

Take off all restraint.

Be without that which confines.

Remove that which contains.

For you shall be free.

Free of all restraint.

Free of all bondage.

Free of all limitation.

Free from that which brought you here.

For the chicken has no need of that which confined it.

For the broken shell serves no purpose.

That which was useful is now of no use.

That which was needed for transportation, now serves no purpose.

Be free of the packaging.


Seriously unpack.

Move in.

Yes that is it, move in.

Occupy that which was occupied.

Walk like you own it.

Break free of all confinement.

Abandon all containment.

Operate without limitation.

Move without restriction.

Be free.

Yes be free.

Rise up.

Come out of the box.

For it is time to be a show off.

It is time for me to show you off.

I now present XXXX

Yes the time of the unveiling is here.

Great exposure.

The exposure of greatness.

The great unfurling.

The great unfolding.

More than you expect.

For you shall ascend to the highest place.

I am taking you higher.

To the pinnacle.

To the highest place.

On display for all to see.

Come out, come out wherever you are.

Let me see your face, let me hear your voice.

For my words shall be upon your lips.

My face reflected in yours.

It is time to take it up another level.

Going up!

For the elevator is here.

Which floor would you like to go to.

Your penthouse awaits.

For if I have reserved this for you, shall you not take this seat?



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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