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The Rolled Up Sleeve

I’m rolling up my sleeves. I’m revealing my strong arm. I’m making room to flex. I don’t want to tear up that which covers.

I’m putting my hand into the flow. That which rages against. The torrent that flows.

I’ve got a hold of it. I’ve got a firm grip on it. It rests under the surface. It possesses the deep. It is beneath you. You feel the pull. You see the tide turn. You feel the pull. The undertow. The rip. It pulls you out. Out from the shore, the sure. You feel the wave. You see the giant move. You feel the flow.

Hold on. Watch and see. What is about to be revealed? I have grasped the net, the expanded net. It is jam packed. Nothing more can fit. For I do not pull the net in. I push that which contains it away. Contained but covered no more. I’m uncovering it!

I am extending the shore line, the sure line. What better way to bring the fish to shore line. I simply shift the boundary. I simply unveil that which is covered. I reveal my abundance. The hidden fruit. The covered treasure. The flow parting to reveal that which lies underneath.

See that which you hold on to. The iron yoke. The super strong strap that wraps around you. You feel the weight of it. But now look closely and see the release. That which tries to escape that which once swims with all its might away from you, now you see the turning, the turning of the tide, the about face, the reversal. That which ran from you now runs towards, swims towards.

Feel the turning. The waves pull you in, but that which swims towards, propels you. Rebalance. The swimming against the tide. That which you have captured is drawn to you, it swims against the tide. It rises above. See the turbulence as a sign of my favour. A swimming towards. A fervent desire.

Light as a feather. See how it just floats. Carried away. Set adrift. With no strength required of its own. It soars to new heights. It is carried away. Get carried away. Be carried away by me! That which is invisible becomes visible as that which is held and supported by it is revealed.

This is not extraordinary in the natural. But is available for you. Carried by me, be carried away. Get carried away. Relax and float with me. Soar with me, but be not sore with me!

Feel the level rising. The overflow rises higher and higher. Feel the fullness, feel the depth. Greater depth. For I have given you the depths.

The see this, regard this. The forerunner. The single fish rising up. Bursting forth from the depths it rises. See the ripple from the one, the forerunner of that which now comes to the fore!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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