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The Restoration of Transformation

In the least likely place.

In the desolate place.

In the place of desolation and devastation.

In the place of darkness.

In the locked up place.

In the hidden place.

In the unseen place.

In the place of absence.

In the absence of any natural contribution.

In the absence of any supporting environmental factors.

In the absence of soil.

In the absence of season.

In the absence of any thing fertile.

In the absence of any mechanism for growth.

Outside the established method.

In the absence of natural light.

In the presence of that which is supernatural.

In the place of my intent.

In the place of promotion.

In the place of containment.

In the locked up place.

The light of my presence shines.

For I am establishing a new order.

A new authority.

In the place of the fall, a whole new level of authority.

An established authority.

Can you feel the weight of my words upon your lips?

And you wonder why you spend so much time with me with your mouth wide open.

For you shall speak ALL that I have commanded.

For I am restoring your authority.

In the place of the breaking an act of restoration.

In the place of desicration there is now elevation.

In the place of darkness my kindness falls.

In the place of death, new growth is formed.

At the end of its development.

When the end has come.

When there is no expectation of any development.

When it was fully developed. When there was no means of further growth.

For when it was disconnected from all that would continue its growth, I grew it anyway.

For who ever has heard of such a thing?

Yet this is my gift to you.

It is time to expect more from me.

It is time to step into the elevated place.

For as you elevate my word, I will elevate your position.

Here, take my hand, come away with me, come up to the higher place, step into the elevated place.

For I am doing something special with you.

I am doing something unheard of.

Restored transformation, transformed restored transformation.

Go and preach the gospel of transformation.

Go and demonstrate that which is transformative.

For I have placed in your hand the rod of transformation.

I have given you my authority to transform, my capacity to transform, my rod that transforms, the rod of transformation.

The guiding rod of transformation.

The means to transform.

The authority to transform.

Numbers 17:5-8
And the rod of the man whom I choose shall bud, and I will make to cease from Me the murmurings of the Israelites, which they murmur against you.
And Moses spoke to the Israelites, and every one of their leaders gave him a rod or staff, one for each leader according to their fathers’ houses, twelve rods, and the rod of Aaron was among their rods.
And Moses deposited the rods before the Lord in the Tent of the Testimony.
And the next day Moses went into the Tent of the Testimony, and behold, the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi had sprouted and brought forth buds and produced blossoms and yielded [ripe] almonds.

And I am restoring your sight, your insight, your vision.

I am opening your eyes.

Look again what is it you see?

The pruned vine, blossoming and then in an instant grapes forming upon it. And I hear your words “pruned in order to bear abundant fruit”

For the authority I have given you shall bear fruit. Shall demonstrate my fruitfulness. Shall be a sign of fruitfulness, for you hold in your hand that which bears fruit. Shall provide the means to bear fruit.

And your stance shall silence the murmurings of those who speak against you.

For my light permeates the darkness and brings growth despite it.

For my light shines in the moment of conception and permeates throughout my creation.

For my creation is simply conceived by light and a manifestation of light.

For can you not see it now?

For that which once blossomed and then became hardened and solid as it developed, has now been restored to its former state, and yet remains solid and hardened.

The same but different. The same but expressing a difference. Expressing growth but without an attachment to the soil. For it grows by my command, a full expression of growth and fruitfulness, without the traditional means to “feed” that growth.

Past the season of fruitfulness, yet now fruitful.

The rod an expression of what which was once fruitful but now transformed or repurposed for a different purpose.

Yet now an expression of fruitfulness out of season and without any reason to bear fruit and yet fruit appears.

For is this not the full expression of all that I have given you?

Restored authority.

Restored fruitfulness.

A restoration of elevation.

A reversal of judgement.

A manifestation of grace.

A means to a wholly different end.

An unexpected end.

A twist on the expected outcome.

A whole new end. A whole new book. A book called “The Restoration of Wholeness”

For you shall be all that I have called you to be and speak all that I have commanded you to say.

The full representation of all that I have commanded.

When they see you they shall be reminded of all that I have to say.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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