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The Reception

The Reception

You have given so much for so long. You are poured out.

Now receive.

A new posture. Get in the receiving position. For I have positioned you now to receive.

What greater gift can you give but to generously receive.

I know how you like to give. Giving is in your nature and mine. But I gave so that you would receive. To receive is the greatest gift.

“We are so grateful for your gift”

Without a reception there is no true gift. Why have a wedding reception unless it is celebrate the gift. The giving and receiving.

It that not worth the greatest celebration! Open hands without a gift is a great loss. You know the pain of giving so much to the one you love the most. It is the greatest thing only when it is received.

Like a hand extended but not reciprocated.

My hand is now extended. Unfold your arms and just receive. Prepare a reception to celebrate my gifts that are now to be poured out. Just let me pour out a blessing on you. Celebrate the giving and receiving.

You don’t need to brace yourself but just get excited in anticipation of the good gifts I have prepared for a long time just for you.

I have been storing these up from the very beginning. Choicest fruit that I have chosen for you. That I have picked just for you.

Do not be fearful. No bracing yourself. Look it up. To brace is to restrict and confine. To tighten. To force alignment. There is no forcing needed.

You do not even need strength to carry it. For I shall place it at your feet. It is about to get real easy! Just put your feet up. For this season shall be a season of flow. The flowing season. A land that shall just flow. That flows. Did I not say that the land of the promise flows! It flows it cannot be stopped. There is no dam that can contain my flow. It overflows!

“And just receive”(Worship leader)

The perimeter of the enemy carries no more weight than a simple stick drawing in the sand that is removed at a breath. Likewise a mighty stronghold cannot stand at the onslaught of a tsunami.

“The wall, it is broken down. We can step through if we want to. There are gifts on the throne that we can have. It you want to. Step in to the place. He is waiting there for you.” (Spontaneous worship)

“The ground is dry and there are cracks in the ground. But in the soil there are always seeds. The seeds look dead on the surface but contain all that is necessary for growth. Then there is then the rain. That penetrates into the soil. Then the water hits the seed and it then grows.

Take our eyes off the cracked ground. Look up and see the rain clouds and receive the rain. Spring forth. Seeds spring forth”(Pastor)

“2 Kings 13. Send forth your arrows. Hit the ground more than 3 times. Believe for more. Hit the ground again for more.” (Senior Pastor)



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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