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The Receiving End

On the receiving end.

“For it is the time of receiving, it is nice for us to be on the receiving end”, your beloved says.

The receiving of the end.

The end of the receiving.

The receiving of the beginning.

The beginning of receiving.

For you have received the end, now receive the beginning.

For the seed falls from your hand and the ground receives it.

Now take that which the ground produces, receive the produce of your hand, by my hand.

For I know you like to give, and you like the one receiving to receive the full benefit. You look for the bursting forth of joy upon your face.

You want to share in their joy, in the full expression of that moment. For I know your hearts desire, the desire to bring joy unto their heart.

Yet it is I that mixes it up!

A new mix, an exchange, a repositioning, the giver for the receiver.

The invitation to receive.

For I want you to receive.

For I want you to know what it is like to receive.

My goodness, my goodness, my goodness, my goodness, my goodness, just receive my goodness. For I am lavishing it upon you.

This is not a half hearted event, this is not a frivolous act, a trivial act, for much thought has gone into it.

I know the the words that echo in your ears from a long time ago.

“It’s the thought the counts”

You were taught that the gift was irrelevant it was the expression of love that mattered.

You remember an example now don’t you…

The bath bomb from my daughter, was “the bomb”.

For she had put much thought into it, and the value of it was priceless to you, even though the amount of the purchase was trivial.

You pause and wonder why you are so messed up by my gift.

The tears flow from your eyes even now.

For you know my thoughts towards you.

You give much weight to the thoughts of another, for you think a lot about another.

Yet your thoughts are broken, your reception is broken, reflect your brokenness, for it has been a long time….

For I am messing with your thoughts.

New patterns, new behaviours, a new mind, a new mindset.

I was there in the beginning, my thoughts were higher than your thoughts, beyond your thoughts, and dreams and imaginations.

For your path was broken, your step was broken, your walk was broken, your love was broken, your being was broken.

You were strengthened by the loss, you were compelled, propelled forward, “driving onwards” was the scientific label applied to you.

And yet you have lost yourself, you have lost your joy.

You don’t want to judge the giver, you just want to be loved…

Yet in this era, at this time, you have been loved beyond measure, in ways you cannot fathom, from your beloved, by your beloved, by me.

I could not help myself, I had to intervene…

Am I not the author of love?

For what is love without its expression?

I know it is uncomfortable for you, but you will get used to it.

Just like after 30 years you cannot fathom how your beloved loves you so much, and yet you welcome her love, refreshing love, like the best drink in a sun scorched desert.

That your joy may be full.

I am not messing about, my desire is not to mess you up, but to fix you up, to bring fullness, fullness of restoration.

For you sit here still after many weeks and still feel the power I have put in her hand. For I am making a point of this, for this shall be the opposite of the thorn in your flesh. For you carry the evidence in your own body of restoration.

“How can this be?” you ask, for the pain was so prolonged, the issue so pronounced, whereby you could no longer stand, no longer stand it.

Yet in a moment of intimacy, a moment of great love, an expected moment, restoration came.

You have been bracing yourself for the pain to return, and yet when you called the roll each day the pain was absent.

Get a clue man, it is not coming back, for I have banished it, exiled it.

Be done with the old, embrace that which you cannot grasp, just like you embrace the one you love.

I know how this makes you feel, the hug, the intimacy, the warmth of her embrace. For I have loved her beyond measure, from her hand shall burst forth restoration.

For the rejected is the cornerstone of my plan.

I love the unexpected, I love to deliver breakthrough from the “least” the world has judged.

For the last shall be first, the poor shall be rich, I declare it.

For this is a new beginning, the “return of the king”, the season of fullness, the bursting forth of love beyond measure.

For you shall be a symbol and a source of blessing.

Transformed restoration, restored transformation, where there is unity I command a blessing. From your union shall come great blessing, beyond measure, beyond your expectation.

For I have placed in your body and in your hand the full expression of my love. From the one you call beloved and from the author of love.

For this is a new beginning…



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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