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The Promise

The peace of the promise.

The promised peace.

The piece of the promise.

A piece of the promise.

An invitation to receive.

An invitation to come to the reception.

An opportunity to receive.

For that which is given is designed to be received.

For embrace is the posture of the reception.

For the one comes as a gift to be received by another.

For some the reception is personal, is private, requires no preparation just a receptive heart.

For others the reception is public, requires much preparation, a formal invitation and a willingness to attend.

Yet one can be in the presence of beauty and be unaffected by it, resistant to it, unreceptive to it.

Yet my beauty always makes an impact.

What appears to be cold and unreceptive on the outside is really just a suit of armour designed to suppress desire, to manage responsiveness, to protect from the pain of rejection.

Yet my beauty remains, like a promise awaiting fulfilment.

It leaves an imprint, an unforgettable moment, a moment of great joy and delight, a bursting forth of life, of enthusiasm, of love and laughter.

For my delight overwhelms all pain.

My joy is meant to be worn as a garment to heal that which is broken, that which is heavy, that which is incapable of receiving.

Joy and delight is the appropriate response to beauty.

When beauty is exposed before you, reveals herself to you, you cannot turn away, your body reacts with spontaneous joy and excitement.

Yet I see you holding yourself back, keeping your distance, so as not to impose yourself, so as not to cause pain or irritation.

Yet my love welcomes your advances.

My glory celebrates your receptiveness, and looks forward to the embrace.

As it is with my promise, it looks forward to the fulfilment.

Just as my beauty evokes a response, welcomes the embrace of the loved one, gets excited about the caress, the kiss, the connection of mind, body and soul.

So my promise looks forward to its fulfilment.

My promise revels in its revelation, its unwrapping, its exposure, the uncovering of that which is yet to be fulfilled.

Yet to embrace my promise, is to embrace the mystery of its revelation.

As you have seen with so many, they are presented with the promise, and yet grow weary of it’s fulfilment, their reception is off, or they don’t know how to receive that which is designed to be unwrapped.

It’s like they don’t know the value of that which they have been given.

Or they are wearing their suit of protection, designed to protect their heart from hurt, so they will not expose themselves to the experience of all I have for them.

For my promise is designed to awaken desire, to provoke a response, to compel the unwrapping of it.

I love how you are so receptive to my love, and your desire to pour out all my affection, to hold the hand of the one you love as you step into the promise.

Step into the place of awe and wonder, embrace the joy of the fulfilment of all that I have promised.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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