The Plan
So what is the plan?
I don’t know where to start Lord for you have brought me to an unfamiliar place. I await your instruction, the next step in your plan, for I hold on to your plan.
Well let’s start with this….
Imagine a single year where everything you ever planned to accomplish, to achieve, hoped for or desired, came to pass.
Well this is my desire for you, this is my statement of intent, for I have not forgotten your plan.
You remember it now don’t you?
Let me describe it for you….
Tattered, torn….enjoyment, peace, abundance… faded, blotted out. The goal, the objective, the outcome, the destination, the “happy ending”, ripped off and hanging by a thread.
Am I being too graphic for you? For I don’t want to bring you to tears, but I remember them well.
How do you think the words became blotted? For it was your tears..
The enemy was so blatant about it even laughing at you whilst using the phrase “the creative destruction of ….”
I asked you to stay on the battle field so that I would have the victory, and yet know what was lost. I saw everything we had built together, taken from you, the greatest achievements, the highest victories scorned.
I remember your last planning meeting where you mapped out a grand vision to defeat the enemy on every side, to build something great. You and I knew that it was possible, you and I got excited about all that could be accomplished.
Yet each step was scorned, each step questioned, each step blocked, for their eyes were blinded, they could not see, they had no faith, they had not experienced or been a part of what was before.
For the door was shut and would not be opened. It was sealed tight by both of us.
Never to return, a line drawn, a captive taken.
Yet are you not the final fragment, are you not a fragment of whom you once were?
For you have battened down the hatches of your heart, you have grasped in your hand only the fragments of what once was. I know you don’t want to talk about it, I know you just want to drive on, you have no desire to be the celebrated one, the “overachiever” as you fear that you cannot cope with another fall.
Yet I am calling you out, I am calling you out on this, for this is what I am going to do…
A substitution…
New for old replacement…
Beauty for ashes
Joy instead of mourning.
Victory on every side.
Wholeness instead of that which was broken.
Out of the dry ground shall come a great harvest.
From the ruins a palace.
For this was just a setup…
You know what we accomplished in the presence of the enemy. Yet they did not receive it, they scorned the gift I gave them, so I robbed them of it.
How much more shall we accomplish in the place of the promise?
So what is the plan?
That which was blotted out, shall be restored, for this is the year of multiplied abundance. For this shall not be the year of the double portion, this shall be the year you shall call “out of all proportion”
Just add a zero to anything you accomplish, for I am giving you the nothing, in place of the everything that was stolen from you. Let’s start with a multiple of 10.
You know this is but a trivial thing for me. For you have experienced this before.
You shall not wonder how this is possible, yet you feel the pain of it all at the core of who you are.
You have taken the mantle of “the survivor”, and yet I have taken this off you, I have this day taken this load off your shoulders.
I have today given you a new mantle, “the mighty one, the victorious one, the blessed one, the chosen one, the amazing one, the exalted one, the one in whom I shall display my glory”
For the latter day shall far surpass the former glory. For I shall be glorified amongst the people all shall see and wonder how this happened.
The enemy shall tremble before you, the word shall get around, for I have sent the word out.
For this shall be like the days of old, where all those around shall hear of what I have done and pay tribute.
So bring forth your list, bring forth your desire, bring forth yourself, come out of seclusion, rise up my fair one and come away.
For restoration has been restored, dream again, plan for great exploits, chart out a grand adventure, plan to be blessed abundantly, for my hand is upon your plan.
For the wilderness is behind you and there is no going back.
For as you wandered in the wilderness, you shall now wonder in the place of the promise.
For I have broken the container of lack, for my blessing cannot be contained, it splashes all around.
Celebrate, let’s prepare for a feast, for I have prepared the fattened calf of blessing of abundance, for now is the time, behold I am doing a new thing. Better than before, more blessed than anyone you know, a fountain of blessing, a stream in the desert, a resource of many, an oasis, a place of community, an ecosystem of power and purpose. A light shining upon a hill.
For all shall come to Zion, with singing and dancing, with a spirit of celebration, of all that I have done, for the great things that have been accomplished by your hand. For my hand is upon your hand, my hand is upon your heart, my hand in your hand. Like the hand of your beloved, a great blessing, an abundance of unity, an abundance of blessing.
For my cup overflows all around, for I cannot contain myself, for this is my desire, this is my proclamation “blessing multiplied, miracles upon miracles, beyond your expectation, beyond your wildest imaginations!”
So express your desire, express yourself, for you are my delight, I take great pleasure in you.
You are my beloved.
Song of Songs 2:10-17 My beloved speaks and says to me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. The fig tree puts forth and ripens her green figs, and the vines are in blossom and give forth their fragrance.Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away. So I went with him, and when we were climbing the rocky steps up the hillside, my beloved shepherd said to me O my dove, while you are here in the seclusion of the clefts in the solid rock, in the sheltered and secret place of the cliff, let me see your face,let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely. My heart was touched and I fervently sang to him my desire Take for us the foxes, thelittle foxes that spoil the vineyards of our love, for our vineyards are in blossom. She said distinctly My beloved is mine and I am his! He pastures his flocks among the lilies. Then, longingly addressing her absent shepherd, she cried Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away, return hastily, O my beloved, and be like a gazelle or a young hart as you cover the mountains which separate us.
Don’t be shy about this, be bold, be brash, be expectant, position yourself for so much more. For you are my beloved.