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The Placement

The Placement.

For I will not lay anything ill fitting upon you.

For one shall fit another.

For one’s purpose shall fit another’s.

For one hand shall fit another.

For one shall be fit for another.

Fit for purpose.

Fit on purpose.

The place of the fitting.

A fitting room.

A room to enable fitness.

The place try something on.

The place of the trying.

The place of the fitting.

The place of finding that which is suitable.

Thank you Lord for finding that which is suitable.

For this is the place that fits.

As one hand fits another.

For you know what it means to hold the hand of another.

It was a one off experience, as a means to steady your steps. But you still remember it from decades ago.

Her hand was dry and aged, hard to the touch, and abrasive to hold.

Yet when you held the hand of your beloved, was it not the most amazing thing!

Yes beyond all expectation, far beyond all expectation.

Is this not what I call fit for purpose?

Like a hand in a glove?

Yet is this not what impacted you the most upon seeing your parents!

You had to take a picture of them holding hands.

You had to hold his hand once again.

You can still feel the strength of his touch, the power of his presence.

The place of the holding.

The time of the holding.

For it is I that holds your hand.

For it is I that holds you up.

For it is my righteous right hand that holds you up.

Be lifted up.


For the time of your rising is here.

Be lifted up.

Be not down, come up.

For you know what it is like to have and to hold.

Is this not the perfect picture of love.

One hand fitting into another.

For my love holds your hand.

For my love holds your hand.

For my love has a hold of you.

For I know what you have been through.

For I know what you are going through.

For I know that you are through.

For I know what lies on the other side.

I know you feel the loss of what was.

The time of the falling away.

The time of the falling.

The time of the absence.

The time of the passing.

The time of just abject loss.

The place of the ill fitting.

The place where you did not fit in.

Try as you might, try with all your might, all you could feel is the mis alignment.

All you could hold on to was the hand of your father.

It is time for a realignment.

It is time for movement.

It is time for a shifting.

It is time for a transformation.

For how can one fit with another except I bring an alignment.

Only you know Lord how to bring things together. I was always hesitant to hold someone’s hand for it was such a bad experience, and yet it was by this means that you brought me together.

Is she not the key to your door?

Is she not my perfect gift to you?

Yes Lord you have given her the keys.

Why do you think these words echo in your ears “by the power vested in me.”

It is by my power that all comes together.

It is by my power that the pieces fit together.

Caught off guard.

Caught without guard.

Caught without your armour.

Yet what you see as failure, I see as a rehearsal for an overwhelming victory.

Amidst the dullness, did not my light shine?

Did I not stand with you in the place of the loss?

Does not the key enter the darkness of the lock in order to open it?

For this is the place of the turning.

This is the place of the turnaround.

This is the place of the opening.

This is the place of the unlocking.

This is the place of the grand opening.

This is the place where my light will shine like never before.

This is the place of great intimacy.

This is the place of restoration.

This is the place of your greatest revelation.

This is the place of a new dawn.

This is the place of a new era.

This is the place of new birth.

This is the place of transformation.

This is the place of immense power, power that intimidates your enemy, that causes him to tremble, to run away scared.

This is the place of building.

This is the place of comfort.

This is the place of great comfort.

This is the place where comfort resides.

This is the place of recovery.

This is the place of breakthrough.

This is the place of brightness.

This is the place of lightness.

This is the place of enlightenment.

This is the place where you will feel lighter.

This is the place where I will lift your burden.

This is what joy looks like.

This shall be the place of glorious joy.

Take my hand and come away with me…..



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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